Sold Selling Possibly selling my nw ps4 account vvcheck descriptionvv

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by callmeaj, 3/22/17.

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  1. callmeaj

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    Before I list the account itself, Is it linked to my PSN Account, like would i be losing my whole PSN account or just the NW stuff?

    I dont want to get rid of my entire psn account, just the NW stuff.

    If you know the answer, you can reply here, or PM me.

    As for the account itself, I've got about 5-6 char slots, a level 70 TR with 2.3k GS and alot of epic mounts/companions and a good bit of progress in all campaigns (except Storm King and Cloaked)

    a level 70 HR 2.1k gs with all Elemental Evil done with boons, but no other campaigns started has some epic mounts

    a bunch of other level 60+ of other classes, inculding GF, CW, OP, and DC

    Vault of Nine completed on all classes

    TR has about 600 Trade Bars or so left

    Account is VIP 9 with about 130 days left

    If the account ISNT linked to my whole PSN account, I want to sell for $60
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