hey i want to sell my female sl account from May 2007.. i did not playing this avatar since years.. i have no mesh bodys or heads inside of this avatars inventory, but a lot of full perm stuff.. i have deletet some personal informations and have now still 13k items inside.. if someone want to have some inventory pics, pls let me know. you can reach me in my new acc name, pocahontaskowalsky resident. i do have an male acc too, which i can sell, but there i have to check the inventory first.. if you have some interests.. let me know ) i am german .. pay with L$ inworld to my new acc poca, or pay with paypal(to friends).. what would you like to pay for`?? hope someone has some interest, because do not play this ava and it will be sad, if she will die in sl grounds ^^ greetings
still available.. 8000 for female acc .. Franka 2007 also have an male - erdiman - account 2007 and an male Barbiekilla account 2007 for sale 8000 each
FRANKA SOLD!!! ERDIMAN IS AVAILABLE FOR 9000L$ inwolrd or paypal BARBIEKILLA IS AVAILABLE FOR 9000L$ inworld or paypal. CONTACT: Pocahontaskowalsky