Sold Selling Level 59 Gunslinger 101k GS EU Moonsea Cheap

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hazii3, 3/22/17.

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  1. hazii3

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    Hi, Selling my Level 59 Gunslinger as have no time to play anymore and motorbike needs a repair, So need to sell asap. Thank you :)

    Im asking for £90.

    Founders Account

    Have purchased all aurum packs
    Level 59 Gunslinger EU Moonsea Server
    101k Gearscore All gold 49 - 59 Gear
    Level 5 - 15 in most professions
    Complete soulgrid with bonus's
    15k Bronze Shards
    PVP Rank 1 Auros Cavalier but maxed out Valor last week so can increase rank if you do the quest
    Tier 4 Demonslaying ( Could reach 5 by the end of the week )
    Has ALOT of items, including Dark Wings and quite a few costumes. Heavenly Bow - Beautful, Elegent, Battle flame and various Back and face Ornament's.
    Also has another month's worth of premium in scrolls and many resources
    Played everyday since headstart also has both rank 3 skills with them level'ed up quite a bit along with Cultiavation Skill's.

    Here are some picture's of my character for sale.



    For any further questions or if interested add me on skype at; hazii3
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