Selling Selling Level 200 Rushu with SkullCrusher shield!

Discussion in 'Dofus Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Harry28, 3/21/17.

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  1. Harry28

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    Selling my Eni level 200 on Rushu, fully scrolled with the skull crusher shield (rare shield) link to the account.

    Bank is worth 58.7mk and the account has 2.8mk on it for free and it is on level 55 of the alignment quests (Bonta).

    The account has 5 years 2 months accumulated subscription time and a level 147 Sacerier on Zato.

    Looking for about £60 but willing to negotiate. Message me on here for more info.

    EDIT: Willing to pay the middleman fees.
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