Sold Selling [eu-windrest] warlock hm 12, 814 ap email change

Discussion in 'Blade & Soul Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Arisu, 3/21/17.

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  1. Arisu

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    Warlock, 12 HM lvl (29%)
    Server: Windrest
    Original owner, never banned!
    -814 ap, 100k HP
    -Cute female jin
    - Premium lvl 7
    -Weapon Seraph's Razor Stage 9 with 6 slots ( all materials for stage 10,need only weapon)
    - Gems:
    1.Diamond 40 AP
    2.Citrine 5 AP
    3.Peridot 8 AP
    4.Aquamarine 6 AP
    5.Amethyst 7 AP
    6.Ruby 10 AP
    In vault:Saphire 4 AP,Ruby 4 ap
    Oath Neck - Stage 7
    Destiny Ring - Stage 10
    True Scorpio Earrings - Stage 10
    Awakened Scorpio Belt - Stage 10
    True Python Bracelet - Stage 10
    Hongmoon Energy - Stage 6
    Awakened Pet Aura - Stage 2
    Legandary draken belt - in vault
    -Soulshield: Full MSP or 3 oblivion, some for pvp
    -Outfit: some event,f10, dungeons (62)
    - Craft/Gathering:
    The tree Fellers lvl 4
    The trappers Alliance lvl 4
    Merry Potters lvl 4
    Soul wardens lvl 4
    -Faction: Crimson - Subjugator
    Inventory opened lines - 8, Vault - 4 and full (10 pounch in inventory)

    Price: 600$
    EMAIL CHANGE! contacts: discort Arisu#8292, skype Marine Arisu
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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