Tichondrius USA-Server Don't have time to play as usual excuse, I am selling my Shaman elemental Panda from horde side, Full artifact weapon increase to 14.5% and enhancement 7%, Exalted with all Legion Rep, with path finder quest complete for flying in the next patch, Mostly a pvp player , so my shaman doesn't have good stats for raiding yet I've done NH H and have all the armor set bonus, It contains 40$ on Bnet Wallet plus 90k which can be use to buy a token. Game time expires on 04/20/2017. I may mention that even though I only played pvp I never got to far, farthest i got was 2k in lich king and rbg 1900, Played since BC to Pandaria, didnt play WoD content at all, just legion all the way. Details of elemental panda 898 IL 4 legendaries , Head(75% blood lust duration increase), bracers,boots,and pvp ring. More info, its says is a Dwarf race I don't know why, I am actually an horde panda http://www.maskedarmory.com/anonymou...le-371438.html Heroes of the Storm account Johanna spell breaker skin Arthas, Dragon skin Chromie, Genie Skin of 66 heores , I have 35 newest i got was Varian, you may ask me if your interest in the specific heroes. Other game in this acc didnt play them too much at all, this are OW and STC wings of liberty and Legacy of the void , dont have the kerrigans expansion. 185$ is what is ask, please send me a mesage to [email protected] if you're interest or send me an inbox message or add me to whatsapp +584244389853