Selling Very rich bnet account Wow , hs , hots , ow , diablo 3 , sc2

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kugogizo, 3/20/17.

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  1. kugogizo

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    World of warcraft


    110 lvl hunter 910ilvl (903 equipped) 52 traits BM (29 traits MM , 0 traits survival) 4/4 set , 4 legendaries (two of them are top 3) - he is on one of the best horde servers

    110 lvl priest 883ilvl 30 traits holy 30 traits shadow 21 traits discipline 25 artifact power research lvl , 2 legendaries - she is on one of the best alliance servers

    Deathknight 103 lvl , Demon hunter 101 lvl , Paladin 100 lvl , Druid 91 lvl , Rogue 86 lvl , Warlock 85 lvl , warrior 33 lvl(he is a twink and has all heirlooms)


    Invincible from lichking(extremely rare) , Pureblood Firehawk from ragnaros , mechano hog , traveler tundra mammoth , smoldering ember wyrm , ironbound + rusted protodrakes , icebound frostbrood vanquiser , twilight harbringer , infernal direwolf , warlord's deathwheel , llothien prowler , hearthsteed , i got some more but those are the best ones.


    Arena master , 2400 rating 3v3 , got all legion curves , 6/7 mythic emerald nightmare , 2/3 mythic trial of valor , 3/10 mythic nighthold , keystone master , i also have some old school achievements feat of strength plus i got alot of glory of raider achievements. This account is very old like 13-14 years. Lastly i will add that i have 9 guldan kills heroic plus around 1650 mythic score which is good to get you into groups.

    Transmog items:

    I got almost all possible sets + weapons for my hunter and priest.

    Wow tokens + gametime + gold:

    Gametime ends on may and i have 3 wow tokens aswell. I have around 50k gold atm but i will get more soon.

    Other Games:

    Hearthstone - Got 5 golden heroes , 8 60 lvl heroes , 22 standar legendaries (all of them are staple on some decks and very playable) , 23 epics , 9550 wins , 12 win key arena , got tons of cardbacks including legend one , got lady liadrin. I also have 8 standar decks ready , all of them are high level decks and dont miss any staple card , these include: Pirate warrior , Renolock , Aggro shaman , Miracle rogue , Jade druid , Dragon priest , Beast hunter. With my collection more decks are possible to create , these include: zoolock , dragon warrior , beast druid , secret hunter , cthun druid , midrange jade shaman.

    Heroes of the storm - Im 40 lvl , 20 chars lvl 5+ and 3k gold

    Overwatch - Im 25 lvl but havent played much this game

    Diablo 3 - i got the original but i dont have the expansion , i have finished the campaign once , i didnt bother much with this game.

    Starcraft 2 - i got the original and the heart of the swarm but i dont have the legacy of the void , i have the 1000 wins zerg kerrigan portrait , i got to master league in the past.

    This is a european account and the price i give it is around 900 euro , Wow and hearthstone make the majority of these money , it is a great account for someone who is interested in these two games but also wants to try other blizzard games too.

    If you are interested send me a pm or write in this thread and we can discuss the next steps, im only accepting skrill for payment.
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