Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jigsu, 3/19/17.

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  1. Jigsu

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    PYHACK is the first CSGO cheat made in Python! PYHACK includes:
    Glow ESP
    Sound ESP
    Recoil-Control System
    Auto BHOP

    PYHACK is meant as a base to learn from, rather than actual use. Make sure to read the instructions carefully to prevent any conflicts. To be fair to myself, I learned Python 2 weeks ago therefore I apologize for the bad practices.


    1. You need Python 2.7, install it here.
    2. After installing, open up command prompt (type "cmd" without quotes in the start menu) and try running the "python" command without quotes. If it is an unknown command, follow this tutorial to set your PATH variables so you can use Python from the command line.
    3. After Python works from the command line, you need to install PIP. To make sure you don't have it type "pip" in command prompt without quotes, if it works, skip to step 5. If it doesn't work, download this .py file. After downloading, open up an Administrator command prompt and then "cd" into your downloads directory or wherever you downloaded the "get-pip.py" file to (For example, if the directory where I downloaded "get-pip.py" was C:\Users\Robater\Downloads I would type "cd C:\Users\Robater\Downloads" in command prompt).
    4. After you are in the directory that has "get-pip.py", type "python get-pip.py" in command prompt. Let it install. After installing, restart command prompt and make sure the "pip" command works. If the "pip" command does not work, follow this tutorial to set your path variables again (Make sure to replace C:\Python34\Scripts with the directory in which pip.exe is located in. For example, for me it is located in C:\Python27\Scripts).
    5. After the pip command works in command prompt, make sure you are in an Administrator command prompt and type "pip install (github link) and let it install.
    6. After the installation is finished, head over to this website and install the executable.
    7. Find your Python installation directory, (For me it is C:\Python27) and head to the "Lib" folder, after that go into the "site-packages" folder, finally enter the "memorypy" folder (You should be in PYTHON_DIR\Lib\site-packages\memorypy). Open up "BaseProcess.py" in your favorite text editor, and replace the contents with the "Updated BaseProcess.py" shared below.
    8. You are almost done! Make a text file in any directory (remember the path though) and copy + paste the # below into the text file. Save as <anything>.py where <anything> may be replaced with any file name you wish.
    9. Launch CSGO and enter a game. Make sure you're spawned in.
    10. Using command prompt "cd" into that directory (If the folder with myhack.py was C:\Users\Robater\hacks, I would type "cd C:\Users\Robater\hacks" in command prompt without quotes). After this, type "python <anything>.py" without quotes and where <anything> is the previous file name you created with.
    11. If you setup everything properly, the # should run without errors.

    [Sorry for the complex process, Python is a little cancer. Good luck to the VAC team in detecting a Python # ]

    Pastebin : http://pastebin.com/QSQ4LYNi ( main.py )

    Pastebin : http://pastebin.com/W4PEFJHX ( BaseProcess.py )
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