Note-worthy Account Information: - Rank 11 Veteran account (Wild Rose Attire) - 930 Days Subscribed (One month away from Rank 12 Veteran - Wild Rose Barding) - Two Friends Recruited (Twintania Mount Received) - 1,088 Player Commedations - All Heavensward reputations at Sworn+ See images below for class levels, minions, mounts, gold saucer, etc. There isn't much the main character on this account hasn't done. Great to experience everything FFXIV and Heavensward have to offer in time for the upcoming expansion and dive into the new adventures that will bring. If there is any additional information you would like to know, just ask! I've had this account for a while and am not sure what all to say about it. Selling because I think it's time to move on and just want to see some return for the almost 3 year investment put into the account. Looking for around $900-$1100 but willing to negotiate. I'm still looking through forums on here for comparison prices but I think my asking price is fair.
I've been looking at current and past accounts that have sold on here and have updated the price of mine to $700
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