Willing to pay this much for accounts _______________________ 35-40 [ $35 ] - [ $40 ] 45- 50 [ $45 ] - [ $60 ] 55- 60 [$55 ] - [ $80 ] 65- 70 [ $65 ] - [ $90 ] If your intereated just post on here if I didnt mention your level please just ask me and ill let u know if your interested im also willing to trade 2 accounts a 30 pokemon go acc and a CoC acc. For a 50 + War dragons.
I have a level 114 account with two sapphire dragons best in range defense power of 6m and 32m medal count but the price will be more
I try to do 1 dollar per levsl so 114 dollars or if you want i can give u 50 or 60 + A 71 coc acc and a 30 pokemon go acc to sell or trade.
Im running a tad bit low on money this week because my wife lost her phone and now imma have to get her a new one and im sure you know that phones arnt cheap lol. But if you wish we can work a weekly payment if you are able to trust stragers witch trust me ik its hard but i can guarentee you im trust worthy.
114 dollars is very low for me for i am breeding sapphire dragons and i am two dragons away from my first garnet