You may pay me in world L for this or paypal depending on the price. james.chung is the name. As most of you Avis know, Chung is a very popular name due to the real estate moguls the Chungs I expect good offers due to the surname and age. Highest bidder wins. Bidding ends 2.28.2017. If your bid is lower than the highest big, you will get a reply in your email. The person with the previous highest bid will be notified that they areno longer the highest. You may email me at the following address: [email protected] As of TODAY the account is 01/25/2004(13 years old; 4752 days) If I get a good price for the account, I will then delete objects and such in the profile and personal textures and transfer. Thank you for your future business
sorry I want to know in case it is not sold and price is affordable. Surprisingly, I found only 2 merchants here(nika & avatarpr) that replied me with full details. Other seems faked. They have multi account of playerup here to fake being valid seller. Why 2 sellers selling the same account?? Actually, it's 3 sellers who sell the same accounts now ,) why new seller suddenly got new buyers giving totally full comments everywhere that ligit and blah blah blah unless they are the same persons. Look at Nika. This seller always replies and gives me full details and I can decide to buy. Not even one fake review on that thread like those new sellers(that actually one person running each account) Playerup is a great site but they need to have more kind of this seller.
Nika211 is the seller I talked about. If Sarahsl agrees with me, I'll buy that one too. I just wrote to that thread to show you. I know I know how to read the feedback. I'm totally careful especially the thread I suspected got deleted and then gave fake review to that new seller. It's 2017. Playerup has their quality system and people is educated enough to choose who to buy from
yeah yeah you don't have to tell me. I know I can tell. It's simple. If they don't answer, don't buy from them. Listen to what you told me. That sounds risky. I don't buy from those who fake review. They pollute this forum. You can check with Middleman if that feedback is real or not. They can't just write whatever they want. which nika ?