Sold Selling Kickstarter (Patron) Sapphire Package + giftable stuff

Discussion in 'Crowfall Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Garukor, 3/16/17.

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  1. Garukor

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    I would like to sell my sapphire ks/patron package and all the other goods as I will only start with a low cost package when the game comes out.

    Im not looking for any profit which is the reason why Im willing to sell everything at a good price (also not that insane prices for keeps etc.).

    If possible I would like to sell everything together but its also no problem if youre just interested in the sapphire package.

    Picture with the whole inventory (

    Im open for any offers.

    ONLY VERIFIED PAYPAL thats the only requirement :)

    Just hit me a PM with youre offer :D
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