Sold Selling NA MT 5 chars imp gun +14 +30 days elite, t11 +15 scroll and more

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kuklovvod, 3/15/17.

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  1. Kuklovvod

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    NA MT 5 chars +30 day elite +a lot of things in bank+++

    TERA US NA MT (Mount Tyranas)

    GOT +15 TIER 11 SCROLL

    For just 135 $ (all fees on you)

    Lvl 65 brawler (human) (3 blubred items resized, perfect innerwear)
    Lvl 65 archer (castanic) (2 blubred items, ring is resized)
    Lvl 65 gunner (castanic) (imperator +14 gun, perfect innerwear)
    Lvl 65 mystic (Ellin)
    lvl 65 warrior (popori)

    All chars are in Gulie +12, gunner got imperator +14 cannon

    All chars are above ilvl of 422 ( you can go literally any dungeon u want with any character )

    99% of all glyphs are studied,

    Reward lvl is 4 60+%

    30-days elite voucher .

    4 tabs in bank with rly a lot of different items (crafting materials, potions, scrolls, lvl 2 perma etchings and much much more)

    Got goddess gemstone for quatrefoil brooch, 120+ spellcatch bijou, 2x Ancient wish, almost enough mats for imp glove for gunner(or any other class), resizing kits (neck,earring), noble enigmatic scroll, 2x conceptual unguent, a lot of vyrsks, zyrks, Niveots, even 2x smart dyan niveot structures.

    Craft MAsters : armor and etching (got both t3 keen etchings learned).
    Craft Artisan : weapon (soon master)

    These characters are really fun to play!

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