Selling G1 account -5000+ jewels - 2,1t without buffs - Good tap acc - 100€ #

Discussion in 'Monster Warlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Takeshi97, 3/15/17.

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  1. Takeshi97

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    Selling G1 account
    2,1t without any buff, 5000+ jewels, vip 11 (always f2p user), good amount if eggs stacked (37 void, 90+ celestial, 100+ legendary, 80+ mysterious) 20000+ honor, almost every monster for collections

    Monsters: All available ragnaroks(1 fire+ and 1 fire normal, 1 air+ and 3 air normal, 1 earth+ and 5 earth normal), a total of 89 immortals (16 immortal+ and 73 normals) and a lot of divines

    TAP: skull of gemini lv 630, lucky coin lv 550, heart if the warlord lv 100, all the other items lv 100 and/or at max level

    For other info feel free to ask

    Price 100€ but still #, paypal only and i don't go first, if interested pm me or write to me on pal+ username: Takeshi97
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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