Selling [EU-224] Selling V5 Lvl 81 Sorceress with 4,4 mill BR - In top 1 Guild

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kevvanb, 3/15/17.

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  1. Kevvanb

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    Selling my sorceress with 4,4 million BR because this game is very time consuming and time is someting I don't have much of ATM. The Character is in the strongest guild on the server [Akatsuki] which always owns the whole top-500 plunder.

    The character comes with 5k+ diamonds and 3k diamonds left to recharge to V6.

    I think atm the character is around the 25th strongest on the server.

    The Gear I own is full R.8 and 2 pieces of R.9 Refined to 60+ and 55+ Augment to 15stars and wep to 18stars.. 8 Wrathwings and 8 pets, Arcania wrathwing halfway unlocked. 1 Twilight piece. Full yellow gems (R5 and 6)
    4 relics unlocked and 3 of them above rank 5.

    Valentines day costume unlocked.

    Spent around 60$ on this account and 2 month of playtime.

    Any questions reach me on:
    kik: Kevvanb
    mail: [email protected]

    I want 50$ for the account because of the time and money I spent on it, However a quick deal can lower the price!
    I am active all the time so this deal can be done quickly :D


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