Sold WCS14K Set, 6 IV Shiny Arceus and more

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/willster191, 3/15/17.

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  1. /u/willster191

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    Today I am putting my nicest events up for sale. I've always been attached to them, and I didn't think I'd ever end up selling them. However, since I'm about $800 out from my goal, I've come to what was a very difficult decision for me. Please note that they are expensive and I am not willing to go below their listed prices.

    Top events

    Trade History​
    Additional Notes
    Shiny Arceus​
    Video proof, 6 IV Bold
    WCS14K Set​
    #/whilzki > #/i8m > #/flareblitz007 > #/oswld > me​
    A couple have video proof, rest have pictures. Only 2 other complete sets with a trusted Reddit origin that I know of, and they are not for trade/sale.​
    Rare events

    Trade History​
    Additional Notes
    Strongest Class Single Battle Garchomp​
    #/Cpt_buzz_lightyear > #/go4ino > #/Gjones18 > #/jaimeg7 > me​
    Picture of event card
    Korean Shiny Genesect​
    blackmarin87 (Naver) > #/shuael34 > #/patricpn > me​
    WC proof
    Blue's Pidgeot​
    #/Cpt_buzz_lightyear > #/danjandrum > #/Gjones18 > me​
    KOR Qualifiers Trio​
    Hitmontop: 비비용팝 > #/shuael34 > me. Liepard/Cresselia: Friend of #/shuael34 > #/shuael34 > me​
    $150 for the set (somewhat #)​
    While #/shuael34 could not remember from whom she obtained the Liepard and Cresselia, she assured me that she was confident of their legitimacy. I will not sell them individually. WC proof for all 3.
    Spring Carnival Garchomp​
    digicharat (Ruliweb) > doodoo > #/endy1102 > me​
    $125 (somewhat #)​
    WC proof
    Guidebook Mareep and Keldeo​
    Mareep: #/goehd55 > me, Keldeo: #/Expo911 > #/weaponess > me​
    Mareep: $35, Keldeo: $25​
    Both have full picture proof.​

    I also have a self-redeemed Expo gym set with proof I would consider selling. If interested, let me know.



    • Spreadsheet. $1.50 each unless HP, 6 IV, or rare gender ratio. Inquire for individual prices on these Pokemon.

    Can I get a large # since I'm buying multiple Pokemon?

    Probably not.

    Do you use save backups?

    Yes. I also have most of the .pk6 files for these Pokemon. I can share these with you upon purchase. I highly recommend storing the .pk files for your Pokemon some place safe. Either way, I will promptly delete the file after the trade has concluded.

    Are the Pokemon from generations III-VI moved to generation VII?

    No, but I can move them if you want.

    Thank you, and happy trading!

    # #/willster191
    # .
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