Sold Buying An account with UWC (Msg me the form below)or msg on on skype after adding me

Discussion in 'Dead Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Combatboy, 3/15/17.

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  1. Combatboy

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    I'm a legit buyer I can pay u through paypal friends and family in the U.S. ,Msg me all of the detail of your account
    for example: if it gc type gc after item name
    Class Bonus:
    Weapon beside UWC:
    Recently in a clan / How long since u been in a clan / what clan are u in(Pick 1 of the 3 and answer it):
    Does alot of people know about u?:
    Sent me a picture of your inventory of all your equipment and also a picture of your stats on skype!!
    my skype is tdlovegirls , then add td tran
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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