Sold Selling Selling cap geared phoenix

Discussion in 'Aura Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by MatchSmeller123, 3/14/17.

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  1. MatchSmeller123

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    Selling acc, +21 lw +20 pw +21 weaps
    41 Eidolons, all 60+
    including: Ghodroon, Maja, Tanith, hel (3 star) 45 holy dmg, cleopawtra
    alucard, bealdor, kusanagi (all 3 star) hansel and gretel, astraea, diao chan

    even latest ones like zephyrine ayako etc

    and alot more, can show more screens if added to skype:

    my skype: twisstjm

    also many items other than just the gear (also capped pvp gear)

    PS PVP gear is +21 with +26 main bow
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