Sold Selling Cheap Full Boss 59 maehwa and more chars.

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SchaeN, 3/14/17.

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  1. SchaeN

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    As the tittle says, i'm selling my account after failling 4 DUO and 3 TRI Ogres, i did that mainly because i was actually tired of the demand for time that bdo has.
    As you can imagine i ruined some of my gear (TET's zarka/dandy,etc) But i still have a really good account for the price.


    The maehwa has 1300 skill points, all loyalty weights purchased, etc. She also has 65 stacks from my failed ogres.

    There's 300mil silver at the storage, there's no belt, earrings neither necklace left. Only jarettes and some TRI bares and stuffs.

    The warrior is almost Lv.56 has 600 skill points and it's the main life skill char.

    Still have value pack, almost every node connected, a ton of mats on the other towns that i didn't show on the pics etc.

    Overall it is still a really good account, and with 300 mil you can keep the dark knight buy a kzarka pri and keep going. Or.. sell the nouver and play the maehwa or the warrior. That's up to you.
    There are things that i forgot to mention so just ask, and about the price, there's no fixed price i'm taking offers, above 200$ sounds good to me.

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