hello WTS my own BD HM 10 all HM skills open still 2 only to 1- open breeze 2- Guardian Tempest 5 pve legendary soul shield 5 pvp legendary soul shield pet 4050 HP i have some gem +12 AP +8 AP +5 AP +40 AP +3 AP Destro HM7 AP group 1 EU 537 AP i have a lot of Requirements to get stage 6 legendary at blade dancer i have weapon skins outfit from dungeon and it's not really a lot of it i have some event outfit Premium rank 6 still 77 Premium day left from when i I wrote this Thread i am still play with it so may i can still get it up trove give me 2 gem and 1 +40 gem from last event PM me offer picture on PM or skype payment only with paypal