Selling for 200$, but it is #. 2 OSBs: Zidane and Hope 13 BSBs: Eiko, Edea, Rinoa, Quistis, Vaan, Selphie, Zidane, PCecil, Minfilia, Ashe, Penelo, Cloud (first one), Tifa, Other important SBs: SG, Chant, Stoneskin II, Dreamstage and much more. Strongest Weapons: Sorceress' Might*7 153 Mag, Eagletalon*6 159 Mag, Rune Tooth*6 168 Atk, Dagger of Resolve*7 146 Mag, Almasy Resolve*7 153 Atk, Curtana*7 157 Atk My usual setup is having Tyro cast SG, Ramza cast Chant (50% more crit damage plus barrier) Eiko casting her BSB (which increases Crit %) and Zidane destroying everything with his BSB and then OSB. This works absolutely great if you bring Shout as RW.
Got Aerith, Rosa, Hope, Lightning and Celes's BSB. Price will probably go up a bit in a month or so, the account is getting too ridiculously strong
I will go by memory because I can't access my phone right now, but I have saved up a good amount of orbs and crystals by avoiding to create most of the useless 6* abilities from the nightmare dungeon. I have beaten all even ts since a few days after the first anniversary up to this anniversary so there's a good amount of stuff. If I'm not mistaken I have only created Meltdown which is the most useful. My most important abilities are Snowspell strike R2 and Tornado Strike R2. I will update this post with more info later anyway. Also, this is the old thread, there's another one named 4 OSB / 21 BSBs that is the same account with some more stuff written. Price is the same.