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Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ImDaWorst, 3/11/17.

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  1. ImDaWorst

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    Tell me if you're having any problems i will atleast try to help you.
    Turn off Anti-virus to avoid problems. Don't download the program if you don't trust me.
    I will try updating the status but anyways enjoy the cheat!.

    1. Simply extract the cheat into folder on your hard drive
    (Don't put the cheat on usb)

    2. Set up your account.txt (You can find your account.txt in user folder) with
    your FORUM name and password (CaSe SeNsItIvE)

    3. Make sure to unhide file extensions to check if there is not
    for example .exe.exe otherwise the cheat will not work. If you want
    to rename the cheat remember to rename both .exe and .dll to exact same
    name for example - screenrec.exe , screenrec.dll also don't use
    special characters,spaces

    • Start Windows Explorer, you can do this by opening up any folder.
    • Click Organize.
    • Click Folder and search options.
    • Click the View tab.
    • Scroll down until you notice Hide extensions for known file types,
    un-check this line by clicking the check box.
    • Note To hide file name extensions, check this line.
    • Click OK

    • Launch Control Panel
    • Open Folder Options
    • Select the View tab.
    • Toggle "Hide extensions for known file types" to off.
    • Click Ok.

    WINDOWS 10
    • Open File Explorer (This PC)
    • Click on View option in upper menu to view Ribbon menu
    • Check the box next the File name extensions option.

    4. Disable any CSGO GUI's or game changing scripts

    5. Run CSGO

    6. Alt + Tab and run the cheat's .exe as administrator

    7. Test the cheat on bots and configure your settings
    by clicking insert on your keyboard , in order to change
    option values use arrows on your keyboard

    7.1 If cheat crashes 90% of the time it's problem with account.txt
    so double check that

    7.2 *Defuse alert - You need to have turned on ESP box ,
    box will change color when ct will defuse
    *Customize - In this box you can change color,size of ESP,VRA etc
    for example LRCS - This option change VRA color

    8. If nothing shows in game, but the cheat is loaded ,
    open CSGO console and type "cl_showfps 0"

    9. Have fun

    * Cheat dosen't playerup - Antivirus or firewall is blocking injection
    * Esp is buggy and flickering - Disable multicore rendering
    Give me feedback! /cry

    Enjoy #!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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