Albion all ml10 MERC 11l9 ml10 vest ml10 weapon ml 10 cloak ml10 legs INF 10l4se wizz 9l9 sorc 9l5 theurg 8l6 cleric 8l0 cab 6l5 scout 5l6 Midgarld Zerker 7l4 ml10 sword zahurs ring Sm 4l9 ml9 runed asgard vest Bd 4l0 ml9 Hibernia Eld 7l2 ring of the azure ml9 Bard 6l8 25% dura ml10 Animist 1l8 1p All are temped pre ow. animist has no temp i wrote down the items on this chars but the
i wrote down the items on this chars but they are too much so i stopped at some point... Merc 11l9 14p Ml 10 chest, legs, mace, cloak Ring of arcane strength 2x Stone bended choker Soulbinders belt Bracer of arcane vigor, arcanite bracer Otherwoldy stoic gem, mighty ring, elemental bracer, mighty gloves, myhty belt, mighty necklace, uther ortherworldy stahlwart cloak Fine steel longsword 1h, zimmerons wrath (1h Slash), Squib hammer, legs 99% heat,matter, ghost Artefacts all lvl 10: Maddening scalars, battler, malice, bruiser, orions belt, snatcher, spear of kings, gem of lost memories, winged helm, shades of mist, eirenes hauberk, 2 items for 25% buffbonus and 24% duration Dusty cronomancer ring 2x, zahurs ring, cyclone bracer, maleficient darkspire mighty bracer, ring of morai, nysyks necklace of nicities, flowing Antalya shal, ancient copper necklace, dragonslayer mail hauberk, yraeryn bracer, 2x, bracer of unity, 2x ring of the champion Crafted bow with 10% celerity charges Mythirians: Mythirian of endurance, Greater Scathing, greater irrepressible, protectors spiritbender, protectors heatbender, protectors icebender, greater guerdon, greater mytherian of health Inf 10l4 leg alchemist, leg weaponsmith. 2 charges for 100% quality left Archaic assasins vest, infernal lethar sleeves, sillias necklace, plaited hair of malamis, ring of the brute, ring of arcane strength, bracer of arawn, bracer of arcane vigor, belials gem of blackness, cyclone crossbow, 2 heat legs 100%, 2 matter legs 100%, 2 ghost legs 100%, 2cold legs 100%, still 7 essence flare in fault, ancient copper necklace, gem of lost memories, dragonslayer leather soft tunic, dragonslayer full armor, bracer of the stealthy, roguish bracer, yraenis bracer, 2x ancient lich tooth, band of clandestiny, bronze short sword with celerity charges King of star destiny, 5 itera, 5inducto 5000glas, 2 item with 25 dura Artes Shades of mist,eerie darkness stone, crocodiles tooth, band of stars, Guard of valor, belt of the sun, malice axe, madaening scalars, ring of dances, ceremonial bracers, golden scarab vest, band of stars , golden spear, battler, House: Recharger, enchanter,taxidermy supplies, incation merchant, grandmaster merchant, smith, poison and dye supplies, apprentice merchant, 51 exerpise, forge, 5 lava stone, 39 exeregum, poison remedy potion, silsstell soot stainted boots, bone belt of blocking, bracer if rain, demon fang necklace, fortifying choker, 2 x essence of afrit, dust of creation, cauldron of purifying water, insightful bracelet 16% debuff bonus, mystical choker 8% debuff bonus, dragonsworn general cloack, bracelet 12% debuff bonus, ebon hide bracer, mantle of desert shadow, lava etched belt, fortifying obsidian belt, 2x belt of granite enhancement, belt of the protector, spirit bound demonic belt, malformed gear chain, chain of Cerberus, acient roman coin, phosporecent Antalya bubble, harpy feather charm, malificient darkspire mighty juwel, malificient darkspire adroit bracer, 2x ebon hide bracer, vicar vicarious vestige, featherd wrap, whirling mantle, Mythirans: Greater mythiran of evasion, protectors edgebender, protectors bluntbender, health Cab 6l5 Temp with traldors and 25 dura, Robes of the magus, duftys necklace of ultimate power, soulful fortifying cloak, cloth cap, ring of arcane gestures, ring of the #, stardrop, nimbus strand, soul crusher wrap, cloack of the arch etheralist, dusty cronomancer ring, Arte Gem of lost memories, jacanas sash, zoarkat, traldor, guard of valor,crocodiles tooth ring, erinys charm, maddening scalars, Myth Bolstering insightful, greator guarderon, average focal, 5000 glas, king star of destiny Scout 5l6 Golestands fire, ring of the #, ility archery necklace, cloak of the arch etheralist, bracer of arawn, yraerns bracer, heat, cold, matter, and gold leg weapon 99% demon bone belt. Arte: Mariashas sharkskin gloves, ring of dances, golden scarab vest, Shades of mist, maddening scalars, gem of lost memories, battler, malice axe, fools bow, orions belt, 5000 glas, Myth Average guardon, average barricading,