I have been holding on to this account with hope to maybe one day decide to play again or go to guildwars 2 Lately I have had no interest. Losts of items on this account as well as lots of time Please carefully review all pictures and any information I listed. If you have any questions please message me 20 warrior 20 monk 20 necro 20 ranger 20 assassin Lots of Ded pets, as well as tonics IF YOU BUY THIS ACCOUNT YOU WILL NEVER BE DISAPPOINTED LOTS OF LOVE, LOTS OF TIME GREAT PRICE Dedicated Pets consist of the following in possession Ded Madness Ded Water Djinn Ded Joko Ded Flame Djinn Ded Sly Ded Asura Ded Koss Ded Abom Ded Charr Shaman Ded Kirin Ded Shiro Ded Freezie Ded Bone Dragon Ded Nornbear Ded Aaaargh Ded Ventari Ded Rurik Ded Nian Ded Flowstone Ele Ded King Adel Ded Lich Undedicated pets are the following Siege Turtle Jade armor Temple Guardian Shard Wolf Thorn Wolf Raptor Raptor Aatxe Dredge Brute Thorn Wolf Jade Armor Wind Rider Abomination Charr Shaman MinoTaur Aatxe Word of Madness Roaring Ether Seer oola Q Sly Abomination Abyssal Water Djinn Tonics EL Magrid The Sly Tonic EL Vekk Tonic EL Vekk Tonic EL Jora Tonic EL Kahmu MISC Candy Cane Sword Peppermint Shield Peppermint Sythe Gingerbread Shield THIS ACCOUNT HAS SO MUCH love you I STARTED USING ALTS AS STORAGE LOL price 100 USD payment Paypal,bitcoin email and skype [email protected]