Sold Selling Mid-endgame(Finished Babylon) acc with 5 ssr's(6 with np2) (3 Limited!)

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mirrorka, 3/11/17.

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  1. Mirrorka

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    -Finished Babylon, Lv. 111
    -Ssr's are - King Hassan, Ozzy, Tamamo(caster), Merlin(np2), Musashi.
    -Notable SR's - Lancelot(saber), Fionn Mac, Li Shuwen, Nitocris, Emiya(***), Carmilla, Stheno, Lancelot(besr), Beowulf, Frank.
    -Notable CE's - x2 2030, x2 Heavens Feel, First Sunrise, Demonic Bodhisattva, x2 Origin Bullet, Prisma Cosmos and a lot of 4* and 3* CE's

    Looking roughly for 25$ Paypal only. Pm me here.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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