This isn't a new bot, just a fixed one of my old one because it wouldn't work when you join a room with people that are level 65 melting the health bar of the Mana Elemental. For the larvae of course. Which you don't need for some reason. make sure you add "Diamond of Nulgath" in the drop configuration since my bonobo mind forgot to add it If bot starts randomly joining elemental even when you don't have 5 charged mana, then look at the bot manager and if the commands are just going down one by one without a delay, restart Cetera. Would like feed backs if this works or not for you guys. It seems to be working for me. Heres the old thread incase you need instructions, which I hope you don't. To run this bot: Old One Adam Cetera new scans: VirusTotal Jotti hf botting ! edit: Fixed bot since it went haywire on me. Apparently Cetera can't detect the items since they have the same words in them. So I set it to "if item in temp" so don't touch that. I just made it kill it until you finish the quest