Stole Money I was scammed by the user roey and his skype is [email protected]

Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Scammers' started by Wyatt Blakeley, 3/8/17.

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  1. Wyatt Blakeley

    Wyatt Blakeley
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    How to Report a Dispute
    Please fill out all 9 questions below. You must provide proof or your claim cannot be validated.

    1. Date Dispute Happened
    Example: march 5, 2017

    2. Are You The Buyer or Seller
    Example: I'm the Buyer

    3. Total Transaction Value
    Example: $25 USD

    4. Other Parties Username
    Example: roey

    5. Method Used To Pay or Receive Payment
    Example: PayPal

    6. Other Parties Email Addresses
    Example: I have the skype [email protected]

    7. Other Parties Payment Email Address
    [email protected]

    8. Other Parties Messenger Username
    Example: roey

    9. Provide All Chat Logs and Additional Information Below
    [3/6/2017 8:31:38 PM] *** Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy | would like to add you on Skype

    I see youre selling your youtube channel. I'm interested ***
    [3/6/2017 8:32:08 PM] Roey Ginansky: whats up
    [3/6/2017 8:32:24 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: I see youre selling a youtube channel
    [3/6/2017 8:32:31 PM] Roey Ginansky: yes sir
    [3/6/2017 8:32:40 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: How much are you asking?
    [3/6/2017 8:33:06 PM] Roey Ginansky: 25 usd the pay is vi paypal gifts card amazon or bitcoin
    [3/6/2017 8:33:21 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Can I see a link to the channel?
    [3/6/2017 8:33:26 PM] Roey Ginansky: Polaris Music - YouTube
    [3/6/2017 8:34:17 PM] Roey Ginansky: I'm actually waiting for a person who is going to pay me right now on gifts card amazon, but he does not respond to me
    [3/6/2017 8:34:43 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Well do I need to wait to see if he will still make you an offer?
    [3/6/2017 8:35:17 PM] Roey Ginansky: Give me 1 sec. Nothing else if I do not answer, I'll tell you.
    [3/6/2017 8:35:19 PM] Roey Ginansky: ok
    [3/6/2017 8:36:05 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright thanks
    [3/6/2017 8:36:40 PM] Roey Ginansky: np bro
    [3/6/2017 8:36:41 PM] Roey Ginansky: 1 sec
    [3/6/2017 8:38:19 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright
    [3/6/2017 8:39:22 PM] Roey Ginansky: Ok friend, the guy does not answer let's do it
    [3/6/2017 8:39:36 PM] Roey Ginansky: you paymet via gifts card amazon ?
    [3/6/2017 8:40:26 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: I could do PayPal
    [3/6/2017 8:40:53 PM] Roey Ginansky: ok fine, but give 1 sec please
    [3/6/2017 8:41:05 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright. How will you give me the channel?
    [3/6/2017 8:42:13 PM] Roey Ginansky: After you send me a photo of the payment I will send you the original email and pw, The photo of the payment is not to verify the payment and to make the business faster
    [3/6/2017 8:42:27 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: You promise me you won't scam me?
    [3/6/2017 8:42:34 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: It's happened so many times already
    [3/6/2017 8:42:54 PM] Roey Ginansky: im promise dude
    [3/6/2017 8:43:06 PM] Roey Ginansky: I will be recording everything
    [3/6/2017 8:43:10 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright so what is the email I'm sending the $25 to?
    [3/6/2017 8:43:13 PM] Roey Ginansky: anyway I will start to record if your interested to buy accounts from
    me, if something goes bad i will refund bro
    [3/6/2017 8:43:27 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright bro. You sound like a super great person
    [3/6/2017 8:43:44 PM] Roey Ginansky: yes give 1 sec To ask PayPal to my father
    [3/6/2017 8:43:56 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright cool
    [3/6/2017 8:43:56 PM] Roey Ginansky: thanks my friend
    [3/6/2017 8:44:01 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: No problem my dude
    [3/6/2017 8:44:05 PM] Roey Ginansky: ;)
    [3/6/2017 8:44:13 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: :D
    [3/6/2017 8:47:45 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Just tell me the email when you can and I'll send a picture of me making the payment and also you'll be also able to see I sent the $25
    [3/6/2017 8:48:46 PM] Roey Ginansky: Ok Give me 2 sec that my father is looking for his agenda to give me the email and password of his account
    [3/6/2017 8:48:50 PM] Roey Ginansky: ;)
    [3/6/2017 8:48:58 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright my dude
    [3/6/2017 8:54:14 PM] Roey Ginansky: ok im back
    [3/6/2017 8:54:21 PM] Roey Ginansky: my dude
    [3/6/2017 8:54:21 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright cool
    [3/6/2017 8:54:29 PM] Roey Ginansky: paypal my dad [email protected]
    [3/6/2017 8:54:44 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: $25 right?
    [3/6/2017 8:54:53 PM] Roey Ginansky: yes my friend
    [3/6/2017 8:55:08 PM] Roey Ginansky: You can make it arrive complete
    [3/6/2017 8:55:10 PM] Roey Ginansky: please
    [3/6/2017 8:55:26 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: I'm doing it right now
    [3/6/2017 8:55:49 PM] Roey Ginansky: thanks my dude
    [3/6/2017 8:56:13 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: I just sent the money
    [3/6/2017 8:57:09 PM] Roey Ginansky: Ok let me delete something here from my mail and I'll send you the instant account
    [3/6/2017 8:57:10 PM] Roey Ginansky: ok
    [3/6/2017 8:57:12 PM] Roey Ginansky: ;)
    [3/6/2017 8:57:16 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright awesome
    [3/6/2017 8:57:17 PM] Roey Ginansky: wait 1 sec
    [3/6/2017 8:57:20 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: thank you so much
    [3/6/2017 8:57:25 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: you are such a great person
    [3/6/2017 8:57:31 PM] Roey Ginansky: no problem my friend
    [3/6/2017 8:57:32 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: And it's greatly appreciated
    [3/6/2017 8:57:33 PM] Roey Ginansky: you too
    [3/6/2017 8:57:39 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Thank you man
    [3/6/2017 8:59:35 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: So you're just going to give me the email and the password then?
    [3/6/2017 9:00:38 PM] Roey Ginansky: ok my friend
    [3/6/2017 9:00:45 PM | Edited 9:00:56 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: yes?
    [3/6/2017 9:01:25 PM] Roey Ginansky: ok sent account now my friend
    [3/6/2017 9:01:34 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: To where?
    [3/6/2017 9:02:15 PM] Roey Ginansky: [email protected] pw ginns1994
    [3/6/2017 9:02:19 PM] Roey Ginansky: let me know please
    [3/6/2017 9:02:21 PM] Roey Ginansky: my friend
    [3/6/2017 9:02:23 PM] Roey Ginansky: ;)
    [3/6/2017 9:02:28 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: Alright I'll check now
    [3/6/2017 9:02:32 PM] Roey Ginansky: ok
    [3/6/2017 9:03:04 PM] Wyatt ツ | Extinct Swizy |: google said the email isn't recognized

    And after I said the email isn't recognized I was blocked by roey
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  2. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: Wyatt Blakeley Re: #1[/trigger]
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  3. Rolan

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    try disputing the payment on paypal and next time use playerup's middleman service to protect you from this kind of scam.
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  4. Admin

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    How can you protect yourself from these type of scams in the future?
    I strongly recommend in the future to use PlayerUp Middleman Services to protect yourself from these type of scams. Here is how it works for buyers (Buyers Guide) and here is how it works for sellers (Sellers Guide).

    Is there anything we can do to assist you still with this dispute?
    Please read this guide (Guide - Combat Fraud Service). All we need is the scammers full name and address and we can assist you further.

    @roey has been banned
    [email protected]

  5. PlayerUp

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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: Admin Re: #3[/trigger]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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