Possible Revamp to the playerup selling system

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ITZDON, 3/8/17.

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    heres my idea

    New sellers can accept only a few orders a day (the quantity will be based on the price of the item) This is only if they dont make a deposit
    ex: 3 orders for 5 dollar items
    experienced sellers like 1 month + will have to give the monetary value of the stuff they sell every week to a playerup deposit, the more they deposit the more they will be able to sell in a week. (if they close the selling thread they can withdraw the money, or they can partially withdraw and decrease their selling limit)
    Whenever a buy buys from a seller they will post the amount of money they paid the seller so the Mods can make sure the seller isnt accepting more money then they have deposited

    Many people will say no sellers can afford that, but if they have a deposit then they will be trusted even if they dotn have rep since there is no chance of scamming, which will make the sellers sell alot more, and Im sure the sellers here that are making thousands can afford to put one weeks worth of payment on hold

    - - - Updated - - -
    Forgot to say this for soem reason, but if a seller exit scams then the moeny he deposited will be used to pay back the scammed people (if they provide enough evidence)
    let me know your opinions on this idea
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