Sold Selling MT warrior VM8+VM8.5 + reaper and warrior lvl 65 ilvl 423

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by idunnothat, 3/7/17.

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  1. idunnothat

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    Hello, I am offering you an account with 3 characters, including high end warrior with ambush +15 swords and cuirass, +12 ambush gloves, +12 behemoth shoes and behemoth belt, fully prepared for both DPS and tanking. Weapon has level IV energetic etching, gloves IV pumped, shoes and chest armor IV grounded. Warrior comes with suitable 3 crit + 2 power jewellery sets with additional 2 crit factor set for tanking purpose (each ring have best rolls), power 8 underwear, every superior glyph and a golden laurel. DPS goes up to even 2.1mln/s at Nightmare Lachelith with average of 1.5-1.7mln.


    Reaper and another warrior have full +12 guile set, both come with no etchings at all but with every superior glyph and properly rolled jewellery and, of course - suitable jewellery sets (respectively 3+2 crit factor and 3 crit+2 power+additional 2 crit factor), +12 crit underwear and +8 power underwear. In the bank there are HP bonus and +12 crit factor lingeries as well.


    Elite status due to 21.03.2017, Tera Rewards Tier 4. I will probably keep playing in the meanwhile so amount of certain things might get higher.

    I'm interested in selling this account for $180, please use private messaging system for additional information.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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