This account was played on Paintball by Daxter 33: -level 80 -all the guns including Rocket Launcher -has "Better Sprint" -has "Sentry Pro" -HAS "INFINITE AMMO"!!!!!! This account is literally OP with all kinds of upgrade and has an additional 50 robux on it. The character is a green gangster ninja that looks sick! Look me up - Timobuddy PAYPAL is the payment option.
DUDE your acc not worth 5$ the game noobish paintball will not make a better there is guy who sells account for 15$ AND IT HAS LIKE 5 PAGES OF SHIRTS AND 4 PAGES OF COOL PANTS 2 PAGES OF FAES 1 PAGE OFF PACKAGES 3 PAGES OFF GEAR 2 PAES OFF HAIR 6 PAGES OFF HATS ALOTTT OFF STUFF WORTH ON 15K ROBUX UT YOUR ACCOUNT IS WORTH 100 ROBUX THAT ISNT EVEN 1$
If u don't want the account, then please ignore it. If you are willing to buy it then click the buy now link. Your opinion was not asked for. Douchebag...