Selling Selling Account with blue bandana and sunglasses (ultra rare)

Discussion in 'H1Z1 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by N2DPal, 3/6/17.

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  1. N2DPal

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    I will sell the skins solely as well.

    Current offer on the Bandana & Glasses is: USD$380

    offer me for the account or items if you're only interested in the bandana &.glasses. I wont sell either or, I'm selling them as a pair since that's how they came. They are currently selling for 500-600 USD on PlayerUp. I will accept a low ball offer if you have CIH. I won't accept anything less than USD$400 via bitcoin or if you are a trusted user you can purchase me computer parts via Amazon wishlist as I'm selling this because my computer has fallen victim to a cup of water, so I'm looking to build a new pc. If you need proof of the skins please message me and I will be happy to add you on steam. Official middlemen can be used if that's your preference, however I do not pay fees. If we are dealing without a middleman you will send the payment via bitcoin and receive the account info or skins depending on what you purchased after 2 confirmations, no exceptions. I am only interested in serious buyers so please provide proof of funds when you message me, if you do not provide this please do not expect a response from me. I've got to do everything from my phone currently, so it's a tad tedious and I'd like my time valued as much as you value your own.

    my apologies for the layout of this thread, but as I said everything is being done from my phone which makes this much harder.

    Thank you~
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