Selling TOP FM account. 12kk coins. Squad costs about 16-20kk(prices are fluctuating) +All League Masters(Lewa,Modric,Pirlo,Mata). James 99,Reus 99,Podolski 96 etc. A lot of various tokens. My skype is ildarschool18. Starting price is 310$. (Firstly you pay all the sum,then I'll provide you with : FACEBOOK ACCOUNT DETALIS GAME CENTER ACC DETAILS EMAIL ACC DETAILS) PayPal/QIWI are accepted. Can make a deal through middleman(you also will have to pay his work),but such offers will be taken into account the least. Attached Images acc1.jpg[/URL] [Download and Thanks] (93.0 KB) [*] acc2.jpg [Download and Thanks] (118.2 KB) [*] acc3.jpg [Download and Thanks] (131.6 KB) [*] acc4.jpg [Download and Thanks] (116.4 KB) [*] acc5.jpg [Download and Thanks] (145.4 KB)