Hi, I am interested in buying an SS2 that is close to SS3 (rep anywhere from 85-99%) or an SS3, I am here for the rep, I am not interested in what players you have etc, just the SS3. Willing to pay upwards of $50...I know a scammer when I see one.. NO BS please. Buying ONLY on PS4 Email me at: [email protected] Send me legitimate proof of the account, in VIDEO, CLEAR PICTURES/SCREENSHOTS, no VAGUE/SKETCHY photos will be accepted or reviewed, only ignored.. I have time, and will use it wisely to find a legitimate seller.
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: K O B E E E Re: #1[/trigger]