Selling account, All 3 Elesis with Bankshare for moving equipment around. +12 Claymore , +9 4th dimension 3/4 3rd Dimension 2/5 (shoes and wep need upgrading), Oath of Ruin title on BOTH Crimson Avenger as well as Blazing Heart. Most Sockets are saged. HL 4/5 NBS 5/5 Eltrion Accessories 3/3 +9 spar wep Most pvp titles on Crimson Avenger ie. Born to Blood , painkiller, Flash of Light, ect SSS Rank All 4 skill rings available Elres lvl 80 Salvatore Gaia 3/3 Event costumes Grim Reaper rebirth , MoonRabbit(sunglasses), Giant ruuchi, Elrios chick 127m on BH anyway message me offers ty