Selling Selling lv 93 account VIP 13 M510 crystal dungeon 141 Clear

Discussion in 'Magic Rush Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Budweiser01, 3/5/17.

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  1. Budweiser01

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    I am selling my Account on merger 510, VIP 13, almost 14 (78700/80000), LV 93 in 2 days, i am in the #1 alliance on server, arena sits intop 100-150 can snipe top 100, hero brawl never goes below top 100, can snipe and sit on 26/27 an hour some times for days.

    Arena Power: 295-305k depending on mega mines and Alliance War Tech Boosts
    Top 5 heros : 305-315k depending on MM and AW boosts

    so lets start with Hero's and Awakenings:

    All heros will be listed in descending power
    Orange +5 (in 2 days): Jacob, Zoe, Smoke
    Orange +4: Jacob 65.5k, Diochan 62.5k, Zoe 60k, Gridlock 59.5k, Kaiser 59.5k, West 58k, Coco 58k, Mira 57k, Aurai 57k, Smoke 55k, Theresa 53k, Murphy 51.5k, Chavez 51k, Paganini 48k, Kong Ming 47.5k, Muse 44k, Sebastian 42k
    Orange +3: Blaine 49.5k, Gerber 48.5k, Merlynn 47.5k
    Orange +2: Medea 42k, Karna 41k
    Orange +1: Lufia 44.5k, Russel 42k, Gearz 40k, Emily 39k
    Orange: Pandarus 48k, Yuan 39.5k, Malachi 37.5k, Pearl 33k
    Lv 90-91 Purple +4: Karas 35k, Baggins 34k, Pulan 32.5k
    Many other heros purple +1 to +3 lvl 90 ready to be started at users choice.


    Jacob, Zoe, Kaiser, West, Coco, Aurai, Murphy, Pandarus, Merlynn, Lufia, Muse, Medea (in 2 days), Russel, Emily

    Gold Star Heros:

    Jacob, Diochan, Gridlock, Aurai, Pandarus, Merlynn, Lufia, Medea, Watson, Uther, Seeley, Jolie, Little Red, Salman, Bedivere

    Silver Star:

    Zoe, Kaiser, Coco, Mira, Murphy, Chavez, Blaine, Gerber, Sebastian, Malachi (almost), York, Gorgana

    5 Star:
    West, Paganini, Kong Ming, Muse, Russel, Karna, Gearz, Emily, Yuan, Candy, Ruby, Lee, Luke, Alma


    Theresa 3 Star (53k Power), Smoke 4 Star (55k Power)

    Kingdom Level: 85
    Altar: Iron 79, Crystal 79, Silver 78, Medicine 80
    Low Tech: HP 83, AD 85, AR 74, AP 85, MR 76
    Mid Tech: HP 79, AD 83, AR 80, AP 83, MR 78
    High Tech: HP 38, AD 39, AR 29, AP 37, MR 24

    Dragon Prayer:
    Level: 20
    4 Dot: Jacob, Aurai
    3 Dot: Diochan, Pandarus, Theresa, Smoke, Gridlock, Blaine, Kaiser, Murphy, Zoe
    2.5 Dot: Coco, Mira, Gerber, West
    2 Dot: (All)

    Crystal Dungeon: 141 Cleared (Rank 36 on Server)
    Total Level: 516 (Rank 43 on Server)
    over 40k shadow essence in storage until next event, orange +2 tier will get some love (currently only Azure Sky +7 and Bleak Scepter +5)
    White: 1 +7, 3 +9, 3 +10, 1 +11
    Green: 3 +8, 3 +9, 2 +10
    Blue +1: 1 +5, 1 +7, 1 +8, 4 +9, 1 +10, 1 +13
    Blue +2: 4 +5, 1 +7, 3 +9, 1 +13
    Purple +1: 3 +5, 2 +7, 3 +9, 1 +11
    Purple +2: 4 +5, 3 +7, 2 +9, 1 +11
    Orange: 3 +5, 2 +7, 4 +9, 1 +10
    Orange +2: 1 +5, 1 +7 (5 other pieces unlocked)

    240 Talents Unlocked
    5-12 passed (haven't had any reason to go 5-15 yet)
    Percentages: Zoe 37%, Paganini 34%, Smoke 32%, Diochan, Theresa 31%, Jacob, Gridlock 30%, West, Mira 28%, Blaine 25%, Aurai, Chavez, Gerber, Merlynn 22%, Malachi 21%, Kaiser, Coco, Murphy 20%, Pandarus 17%, Muse, Karna 14%, Sebastian, Gearz 12% (the rest are 10% or lower)

    Captain Skills: Jacob Lv. 1, Mira Lv. 3, Chavez Lv. 6, Kaiser Lv. 7, Merlynn Lv. 7, Coco Lv. 1, Baggins Lv. 1, Pandarus Lv. 2, Aurai Lv. 1, Diochan Lv. 1, Blaine Lv. 1

    Rune Cores:
    Every Hero has 5/5 Cores Unlocked
    High: Jacob 60%
    Mid: Zoe 46%, Smoke 42%, West 40%, Mira 38%, Kaiser, Theresa, Murphy, Paganini, Muse 34%, Diochan 32%, Kong Ming 30%, Aurai 26%
    Low: All Others, 0-4%

    Beast Soul:

    Beast Soul Tournament: Always Prince Ranking (top 50-150)
    Lv. 20 Behemoth Set 4/4: Jacob, Kaiser, Malachi (Lv. 10 4/4)
    Lv. 20 Frostfire Dragon Set 4/4: Smoke, Chavez (1 full set +0 on Standby)
    Lv. 20-30 Fierce Gryphon Set: Zoe 2/4 (1 Purple 1 Blue), Gridlock 3/4
    Lv. 20 Underworld Hydra Set 4/4: West, Mira, Coco (3/4 Lv. 20)
    Lv. 20-30 Nightmare Set: Theresa 4/4 (2 Lv. 20, 2 Lv. 30), Blaine 3/4 Lv. 20, Paganini 4/4 Lv. 20, Merlynn 1/4 Lv. 20
    Lv. 20-30 Immortal Phoenix Set: Diochan 4/4 Purple Lv. 20 Set, Medea 2/4 Lv. 10, Kong Ming 2/4 Lv. 20, Murphy 1/4 Lv. 14
    Lv. 20 Holy Unicorn Set: Aurai 4/4 Lv. 20, Murphy 1/4 Lv. 10, Muse 2/4 Lv. 20

    Hero Brawl:
    980k Power and Rising
    Top 100 Always, Snipe top 50
    (Guaranteed 400-450 Diamonds every week)

    Alliance War:
    1,277,000 Alliance war Power
    1st line 287k (Physical)
    2nd line 275k (Magic)
    3rd line 262k (Hybrid)
    4th line 245k (Hybrid)
    5th line 208k (Magic)

    Proving Grounds:
    All Trial Privileges unlocked.

    There you have it, My account info up to date March 4th 2017.
    Pictures are available for everything listed upon request.
    I have invested about 5,000 Canadian and 2 years of my time into my Account
    I am the Original Owner of Account
    Please Message if Interested in Purchasing Account, Real offers Please, Will not comply with anything that seems Shady.
    Looking for about Half of my Investment but I am Willing to Negotiate a Fair Price.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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