Sold [WTS] Cheap EDU emails [Amazon Prime and more] -GMAIL or Outlook.

Discussion in 'EDU Emails for Sale | Buy & Sell EDU Accounts | Safe & Fast' started by WilleaWanker, 3/4/17.

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  1. WilleaWanker

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    I am selling Gmail Staccounts with many benefits.[/udent SIZE]

    Benefits on having a student email.

    -Free Amazon prime for 3 months
    -Unlimited google drive storage
    -Office 365 Education
    -Microsoft Dreamspark
    -Adobe Creative Cloud
    there are many other discounts you just have to find them.


    Price- $4.50- Gmail $3.00 for Outlook. ONLY PAYPAL
    Skype- mr_pancakez profile will appear with a nick name of "DerpHerp"
    takes around 5-10 min to complete.

    Attached Images
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