Ranger, guard, demo, barb (RU acc)

Discussion in 'Age of Conan Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by itstimetoleaveaoc, 3/4/17.

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  1. itstimetoleaveaoc

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    1) Ranger 5pvp (26% left to 6pvp). Almost full T4 (missed 3 pieces), great pvp and pve AA's. Full pvp gear. 57 simple t4 relics and 1 dragon tear avaiable. Crom
    2) Guard 3pvp (5% left to 4pvp). Full Khitai + T4 shield, necklace, cape. Full T1 pvp gear. All AA's for PvE available. Lots of khitai and pvp relics. Crom
    3) Demo. Mixed T2-T3, and khitai blue gear. Ring of Fire is fullly feated in AA. Crom
    4) Barb 4pvp. Mixed pvp and pve gear. Decent AA's. Fury

    Ru acc (less than 4$ for subscription per month). ROTG CE, Turan, Dragonspine, Tortage survival, Might of crom + about 250 gold.
    Skype - artynsk. Can send sreens in skype.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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