[Release] HookTronic v1.4 - Rage || Legit || Skinchanger || ESP - Undetected

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by antep2727, 3/3/17.

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  1. antep2727

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    Status: Undetected

    Anyone who would like to record and upload games with this cheat? If yes i would implement it into the thread.


    - Signature updated
    - disabled name and clantagchange at default
    - Anti-Untrusted can not be disabled anymore.
    - Signature updated
    - re-worked injector
    - Signature updated
    - Improved AA's (FakeForward/FakeJitter/FakeSideways) and Aimbot
    - Signature updated
    - Initial Release

    I will update this cheat every day. Make sure to always use the newest version if you dont want a vac banned account.

    Contat: Skype: ownedabi

    Also i included an injector. Make sure both are in the same directory or it wont playerup.

    Yes, the injector is also undetected.


    1) Run csgo
    2) Run injector as admin!
    3) Press Insert



    To any mod who wants to approve: There is non obfuscated file and an obfuscated file. Approve the obfuscated one.

    Do not approve this:


    Version to be approved:

    I apologize for the amount of false positives. The reason of that is a) i am using a packer b) my own mutate engine triggers virus results.
    There are no virusses, i promise.


    If you have any recommendations or any features write it down here.

    PS: Best AntiAim combinations for MM HvH are: - Emotion + FakeJitter/Backward/FakeForward/Fakesideways


    Q: I am getting VAC Error, why?
    A: If you want to use ragebot in Casual(destruction, deathmatch..) enable "Aimstep".

    Q: Why is only the menu cursour showing up?
    A: Disable Steam FPS counter. If you still want to see your fps ingame open console and type: "net_graph 1".

    Q: Why are there so many virus detections?
    A: I am using un-natural code routines to quickly generate a change in the binary to be able to release an undetected cheat

    Q: Do i always have to download a new version?
    A: If you dont want a VAC ban then its a must.

    Q: Can i use the old injector from your older releases?
    A: I dont suggest it to use. VAC can detect injectors so always use the newest version.

    Q: Why does it take so long for the Menu to show up?
    A: I am checking several fragments of the cheat to ensure no one attempts to edits parts of the cheat and sell it.
    Downloadable Files
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