I'm pretty much done playing this game, looking to sell. 45 Million Astral Diamonds 30,000 Zen 53 Character Slots, 2 Acct. wide Epic Mounts (Heavy Howler and Storm Raider Clydesdale) 6 Months Rank 12 VIP left. 700+ Preservation wards and 11 coal wards Campaigns: IWD All Boons-Tyranny of Dragons 5 Boons- Underdark All Boons- Sharandar All Boons-Dread Ring All Boons- EE 5% unlocked- The Maze Engine 71% unlocked. [IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1488523229/x4a2btpxcpk6vcdqxo7u.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://res../.-llc/image/upload/v1488523241/v90trsp90whzdkcwkxbp.jpg[/IMG] Looking for a reasonable offer.