Selling Selling lvl 85 sorceress 7m BR

Discussion in 'Legacy of Discord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LOD_Sorceress, 3/2/17.

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  1. LOD_Sorceress

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    Level: 85
    NO VIP, you still have access to the VIP first charge double reward.

    Equip:all equips are enhanced to max (85)
    All equips are rank 9 except for helmet and legguards, all equips are refined to at least level 64, weapon is refined to 69 (200k BR)

    All enchants are at least 16/30

    Socket gems: all socketed gems are level 6.

    all skills leveled to max: 85
    Totem > 240k BR
    Runes : all level 3 or 4
    Talents: tier 1 have 3 level 8s, and one maxed at level 10; tier 2 are all at least level 6
    Augment: all level 15+, weapon at level 18
    wings: lich (rank 4), tyrant (rank 2), judgment (rank 3), skyhunter (rank 3), requiem (rank 3), strider (rank 3), inferno (rank 1)

    Twilight set:
    voice (level 17), surface (level 21), holder (level 20)

    Relic: Ashen (rank 25), rage (rank 18), cyan(rank 20), emperor(rank 18), fissure (rank 1). All relics upgraded to level 100 except for fissure, which is at level 40 now.
    Fragments: banshee (27/75)

    Mythos - rank 7 (120k BR)
    Winged horse - rank 7 (140k BR)
    Amethysia - rank 3 (62k BR)
    Sacerd flame - rank 1 (37k BR)
    Draconia - rank 1 (37k BR)

    Xeumach - level 46, rank 14, 1 star
    Haverus - level 10, rank 3, 1 star
    Criarino - level 8, rank 2, 1 star
    Murlor - level 39, rank 14, 1 star
    Aexuixal - level 29, rank 10, 4 stars
    Koxahl - level 30, rank 7, 3 stars
    Vaszon - level 25, rank 6, 3 stars
    Feoxur - level 27, rank 7, 2 stars
    Sabelon - level 23, rank 8, 3 stars
    Kinar - level 20, rank 6, 3 stars
    Fragments: Panthora (50/75), Loivissa (22/100)

    Tower: 95F
    Icefire: 110 wins
    spirit growth: level 107

    For questions please pm me or post.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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