Sold [WTS] [EAST] lvl 90 lynn enchanted gear and other characters

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hayuri, 3/2/17.

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  1. Hayuri

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    Server: EAST

    These characters are all in same account:

    Level 90 Lynn: Items:

    enl/enthus term helm fused 2 bind 2 star, enl/enthus term greaves fused 2 bind 2 star, rein/echo regina boots 2 bind 3 star, rein/echo regina gauntlet 2 bind 3 star, temp/master regina mail fused 2 bind 3 star, rein/echo regina boots 3 star, +5 term sent glaive orange main other blue piece 2 star, 2 keen orange shard 28 bal/29 crit, one 2 star dead/passion TRing, one 3 star cresc moonlight/passion TRing having +2 balance infusion, sig/bersk shield badge, sig/pass ruler brooch, sig/pass emerald belt, 1 copper dia/emerald bracelet 341 atk 441 def, 1 dia bracelet 287 atk, +10 oj term glaive, and 117m gold


    avatar set, 2 perpetual coupons, a lot of vip, nx items, hairs, inners

    Level 90 arisha: Items:

    2 saphire/emerald copper bracelets, no items


    2 avatar sets, inner armors, hairs, etc.

    Level 90 evie: items:

    dead/pass CMRing, purple 90 gears


    1 avatar set, etc.

    Level 85 hurk:

    mats for crafting


    - I may have forgotten some of the binds and other important information that you might want to consider before buying this account (have pictures of all the items and avatar sets on imgur link)

    - Feel free to add me on skype if you have further questions or concerns about this account (skype info below)

    Skype: driiiven (Please add with a note stating: Vindictus Account)

    - Price can be negotiated, so serious buyers only please
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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