Quest IDs 1 Falconreach 2 (Nothing) 3 (Nothing) 4 Battle Arena 5 Marsh Madness 6 The Root of all Sneevil 7 Falconreach 8 Elemental Cave 12 Creepy Undead Forest 13 Elemental Attack 14 Enchanted Grove 15 Amityvale 16 Sneevil Box Fort 17 Save The Mill! 18 Beach Vacation Invasion 19 Forest Cave 20 Bandit Camp 21 Waterfall Secret Cave 23 Fiery Heart of Mt. Shining Star 24 Watery Exploration 25 It's A Dirty Job 26 Desert Tomb 27 The Deep Freeze 28 The Undead Dungeon 29 Slay Gorgok 30 Willowshire Burns! 31 Race to the KeyGems 32 Spirits in the Inn 33 Whale of a good time! (TEST) 36 Friday The 13th - Part III 37 Chaos Weaver Web Site 38 Critter Cave 39 The Crystal Shard 41 Goldfishing 42 Hot Headed 43 Taming Snailmail 44 Cat Up A Tree 45 Stump Hunting 46 Dementons Treat 47 The Grinders Paw 48 Admin Menu 49 GM Arena 50 Bungle in the Jungle 51 The Construct 52 You need more iron in your diet 53 Growing Problems 54 A Hero is Bored 55 Hydra Boss 56 Zorbak's Prank 57 Ambush In The Bushes 58 Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus 59 The VurrMen Ruins 60 Ice Dragon Invasion 62 VurrMen Tunnels 63 Alls Well That Ends Well 64 Sir Jings Weapons 65 Friday The 13th III, Finale! 66 Night Of The Living Pumpkins 67 Pumpkin Pi Bomber 68 Artix von Krieger 69 The Pumpkin Patch 70 Well, Well, Well. 71 The Keep Invasion 72 Sneevil-Jistu Dojo 73 Sneevil Boxopolis 74 The Cave of Glaisaurus 75 Techno-Turkey Terror 76 Aeris Battlespire 77 Aeris Minor Tournament 78 Dragon Arena 79 100 Rooms of Fiery Doom! 80 Frostvale (not working) 81 PostWar Frostvale (not working) 82 A Frostvale Tale 83 Icemaster Yeti's Cave 84 Haunted House 85 Crystal Clear Lake 86 Yaga Stone Circle 87 Crypt of the Risen 88 The Vampire Tower 89 Sir Vey's Camp 90 For The Birds 91 The Mollo Tree 92 A Piece Of (Fruit)Cake! 93 Missing Equipment 94 Burn It All! 95 Big Daddy's Pad 96 Snuggle-Gram Delivery! 97 Love Is In The Air 98 Jimmy Eye Ball 99 The Irismancer 100 The Black Dragon Box 101 Return To The Intro 102 The Worst Prank Ever 103 The Sweetest Thing 104 A Golden Opportunity 105 Give Until It Hurts 106 Defeat Gananana! 107 Opening The Black Box 108 Bassault's Assault 109 Xan Bossfight 110 The Hot Gates 111 The Sneevil Dumpsite 112 Egg Recovery 113 Crossing The Line 114 Summoning Help 115 Breakfast With Warlic 116 Battle Krakhim 117 A Visit To Cysero 118 The Dread Dragonmaster 119 The Hydra's Lair 120 Ballyhoo Ads 121 (nothing) 122 Sepulchure's Flying Fortress 123 The Temple Of The Four Winds 124 Pro Pain 125 Miner's Barracks 126 What's mine is mine 127 A Named Elemental 128 The River Of Fire 129 The Hatching 130 Titans of BattleOn! 131 Sunbreeze Grove 132 The DragonLord Armor 133 Mad Skillz 134 Togzilla Attacks 135 The Plot Thickens 136 Fetching Fire 137 Everyone Knows It's Windy 138 The Pure Pool 139 Doomwood Destroyer 140 Undead Assult 141 Castle Ruin 142 Mystery Doors 143 Death Knight 144 Xan's Volcano Fortress 145 The End? 146 Ospry Cove 147 Irate Pirate 148 Water Breathing Potions 149 Belly of the Beast 150 Cleaning House 151 Ruins of Kordana 152 The First Pirate vs. Ninja War 153 Attack of the Ninjas! 154 Attack of the Pirates! 155 Rhubarb Special Quest 156 Thyton Special Quest 157 Golum Problem 158 Boxes of Ninja 159 Captains Orders 160 Chart Captors 161 Stealing Back Stars 162 The Haunted Dojo 164 Gorgok Returns! 166 The Pumpkin Kings Curse 167 Creating Cauldron Candy 168 Sugar Rush Hour 169 Tricks and Treats 170 Zorbak's Back! 171 Run of Kessel 173 Yulgar's Forge 174 Thankstaking War! 175 Return the Scrolls 176 The Hunt Begins! 177 Thankstaking Leftovers! 178 Walk Through Fire 179 Red Betty's Spell 180 Something Fishy 181 The Jewel of the Four Winds 182 Honda's Accord 183 A Frostvale Tale 187 Chilly's Secret 188 We Three Spirits 189 Frostval War Battle 190 Return to the Yeti Cave! 191 The Frost Cave 192 NOT USED 193 Sepulchure 194 Reagent Search 195 Run for the Oasis 196 Scarab Scare 197 Tomb Traps 198 The Sandsea 199 Meeting Zhoom 200 The Hard Way 201 The Blue Lotus 202 Rolith's Test 203 The Oasis Inn 204 Dynasty Tomb 206 Damien's Draft 207 Tunnel of Love 208 Heart-Shaped Box 209 Heart Attack 210 The Sandwitch 211 Hudson's Hawk 212 Gold Fever 213 Into The Woods 214 The Fightin Sneevish 215 The Traitor 216 Fires Over Oaklore 217 Zhowdown! 218 Sek-Duat Lives Again 221 Death From Below 222 Lymcrest 223 The Lymcrest Labyrinth 225 Battle for Moonridge! 226 Bombing Run 228 The Lymcrest Labyrinth 229 Moonridge: Saved! 230 Doomwood! 232 Battle for Moonridge 233 Battle for Moonridge! 234 The Necromantress 235 The Outcast 237 The Gate Keeper 238 The T.A.'s Challenge 240 The Body Shop 241 Idol Hands 242 Too Many Cooks 243 The Green Mist 244 Artix vs. The Undead 245 The Guardian Dragon 246 Toys R' Dangerous 247 Assault on the Necropolis 249 Necropolis: Last Stand 250 Extra Credit 251 Noxus Fumes 252 Monkee Business 253 The Gift 254 Bad Bananas 255 Water You Doing 258 Pirate Monkey War 259 Ninja Monkey War 260 Dragonbane Vein 261 Snow Rescue! 262 The Hatchling Hunt 263 The Long Walk 264 Flight Training 265 A Cold Reception 266 Un-BEAR-Able Cold 267 Stocking the Shelves 268 Monkee War Show Down 269 Gary 270 Not So Great Escape 271 It's Not Fair! 272 Mirror, Mirror 273 Baby Steps 274 The Killguin Arena 275 The Founder's Gauntlet 276 Alac's Test Quest 277 It's Elementary 278 Bear Facts 279 The Crypt 280 Mogloween 07 281 The Pit 282 The Lymcrest Labyrinth 16-20 283 Mogloween Tales (Storybook) 284 Nooby Nooby Noob 285 Mogloween 08 286 The Dolls House 287 The Master of the Necropolis 288 Jack-O-Dragon 289 Haunted Hedgemaze 290 Long In The Tooth 291 (Nothing) 292 Lymcrest Labyrinth Floor 21 293 The Chef 294 The Dishwasher 295 The Event Planner 296 The Waiter 297 The Mastermind 298 The Snow Fields 299 Nose for Trouble 300 Defend Dragesvard 301 Defend the Ursice Savages 302 Defend the Killguins 303 Defend the Tuskers 304 Face Frostscythe 305 (Nothing) 306 Gary 307 Undead Dravir! 308 Dragonsfall 309 Dragonsfall 310 Dragonsfall 311 Major Mayhem 312 Thankstaking 08 313 Tipping the Scales 314 Ice Queen 315 There's No Place Like Oaklore 316 Togicide Revenge 317 Olaf's Party 318 Potion Mastery 319 Sneevil Guard 320 Toxic Togvenger 321 Rolith Is A Bad Man 322 Gary's Fate 323 (Nothing) 324 (Nothing) 325 Prologue 326 Slay Bells Ring 327 Holiday Visit 328 I Know What You Did Last Frostval 329 Oh Hole-y Togicide 330 Cookies! 331 NoX-Mas 332 You Never Asked 333 Victoria's Secret 334 The Coming Storm 335 Bringing Home the Bacon 336 (Nothing) 337 Elemental Waves 338 Fire Titan! 339 Water Titan! 340 Wind Titan! 341 Earth Titan! 342 Ice Titan! 343 Energy Titan! 344 Bomb the Elementals! 345 Elemental Camp 346 He's (a) Lyin' 347 Elemental Farm 348 The Funeral 349 (Error Loading: Scene) 350 Diplomatic Mission 351 Rescue 352 The Avatars Arrive! 353 Purebred Protests 354 The Final Showdown 355 It's A Wash 356 Heart of Gold 357 (Nothing) 358 (Nothing) 359 (Nothing) 360 The Stakeout 361 Tangled Web 362 Heart of Darkness 363 Snugvil Thieves 364 Outnumbered 365 Popsrocket 366 Pipe Dreams 367 Special Delivery 368 Abominations Abound 369 (Mino)torture 370 Popguns 371 Investigate 372 No Horsing Around 373 A New Beginning 374 Richard's Gear 375 A New Penpal? 376 Ninth time's a charm 377 Thievilchauns 378 he Minotaur II: The Bludgeoning 379 The Cold Hand of Death 380 Unlucky Waves 381 Akira's Challenge 382 Frenzy at the Forge 383 Sneevish Woods 384 A Ghoulish Mistake 385 A New Beginning 386 Yulgar's Shop 387 Marsh Madness 388 The Root of all Sneevil 389 The Elemental Cave 390 Creepy Undead Forest 391 Elemental Attack 392 Enchanted Grove 393 Sneevil Box Fort 394 Save The Mill! 395 Critter Cave 396 Bungle in the Jungle 397 Don't have a Kow 398 Mysterious Stranger 399 Inn 400 Falconreach Dock 401 (Nothing) 402 Necromancer Nicto 403 Queen of the Jungle 404 Pachelbel's Cannon 405 Necromancer Verata 406 (Nothing) 407 Triple Threat? 408 Necromancer Klaatu 409 Sitcom 410 Another Floating City 411 Garden of Good and Ebil 412 From Ice to..... 413 Basilisk Cave 414 Inside the Garden 415 Nuts and Bolts 416 Ground to a Halt 417 Gryphons Gone Wild! 418 Grrrberus' Revenge 419 The Yaga Sisters 420 The Secret Revealed 421 Cooking 422 Surewould Ranger 423 In-sir-mountable 424 Rolith's Solution 425 Bandit Trap 426 Ash vs. the Volcano 427 Ex Machina 430 Doomwood Dock 431 Battle Cyklons! 432 Battle Undead! 433 Recruit Voltabolt! 434 Undead vs. Cyklons! 435 (Nothing) 436 A Letter From Home 437 Akriloth! 438 Aftermath 439 Sneak Attack! 440 To be a giant! 441 To have famous friends! 442 To have all the gold in Lore! 443 The Search 444 To the Orb! 445 Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad, Gnome? 446 Lair of the Guardian 447 Assault on Popsprocket 448 The City Fights Back! 449 Gnomenapped?! 450 The Ultimate Weapon 451 Aria in Wanderland 452 Fire Elementals Attack 453 Oaklore 454 Amityvale 455 Osprey Cove 456 Sandsea 457 Dragesvard 458 Popsprocket 459 Falconreach 460 Shadow of the Wind 461 Going East 462 The Mighty Akriloth 463 A Strange Feeling 464 Never Say Dye 465 Flashpoint 466 (Nothing) 467 Ashenvale 468 Dye Another Day 469 Live and Let Dye 470 Battle for the Eastern Hills! 471 Battleon Burns! 472 Battleon Burns 473 Ice Gems 474 General Varax 475 DragonLord Defense 476 To the Light Elemental Cave 477 To the Water Elemental Cave 478 To Oaklore 479 To Amityvale 480 To The SandSea 481 To Popsprocket 482 To Dragesvard 483 To the Islands 484 Head in the Clouds 485 The General 486 Attack on Drakonnan! 487 Under the Sea 488 Xan Has A Plan 489 Final Battle! 490 A DragonLord Birthday! (Birthday Quest) 491 Lost Pets 492 Questions 493 Epilogue 494 Battleon 495 Circuit City 496 Mad Haberdasher 497 Ice Princess 498 The Greatest Candy Ever 499 As the Cauldron Boils... 500 Appetite for Destruction 501 Share and Share Alike 502 Mogloween 2009 503 Valencia 504 Queen of Tarts 505 Zorbak's Legion 505 Zorbak's Legion 506 Relive the War at See! 507 CMC - Oct 09 508 Zorbak's (New) Hideout 509 (Nothing) 510 Tricks and Treats 09 511 Collision Course 512 Choose Your Own Adventure Quest 513 The Amityvillian 514 Blackhole Fun 515 Thankstaking War! 516 Gobble-ocalypse 517 Thankstaking Waves 518 Don't You Remember? 519 A Feast of Fowl 520 Princess-napped 521 Double, Trouble, Boil and Bubble 522 Dragonsgrasp 523 Moglin Seeking Queen 524 Ravenloss 525 There's Something About Twilly... 526 Soul Dilemma 527 Prankster Dragonlords 528 FalconsNest 529 In the Mountains.... 530 We're Gonna Need More Fire... 531 Frostvale 532 Undead Assault 533 And so it began... 534 Ice Dragon Invasion 535 Meet Frostscythe 536 War at See! 537 CMC - Dec 09 538 Wrath of Xan 539 Falconreach 100% 540 Falconreach 75% 541 Falconreach 50% 542 Falconreach 25% 543 Falconreach 0% 544 Arachnattack! 545 Spidermancer 546 Beach Vacation Invasion! 547 Assault on the Necropolis! 548 CMC Town 549 Back to the Past 550 Friday the 13th III 551 Hot Plot 552 Testopia 553 Falconreach South 554 Tiny Terrors in Town! 555 Defend the Brood! 556 Theory of Gravitivity 557 Mayonnaise Cubed 558 Weaving Emporium 559 Hero's Heart Day 560 Young Love 561 Change of Heart 562 Love Letter 563 Battle Simulator 564 Welcome! 565 Into the Void... 566 The End? 567 2 Leagues Under the Sea 568 The Locker 569 Market District 570 Pirate Attack 571 Gold War 572 Golden War Town 573 As Good as Gold 574 All that Glitters... 575 Aboard Alone 576 Nitroglycerin Sponge Catapault 577 As You Lie Dreaming... 578 Critical Failure! 579 Warlics Zone 580 Rescue! 581 Mana Reagent Search 582 Deserted 583 The Tower 584 Nightmare 585 Silkwood Park 586 Amity Path 587 Descent 588 Explore Dusk Alley! 589 Explore the Market District! 590 Explore Silkwood Park! 591 Hunter's Paradise 592 Breakout at the Zoo! 593 FalconsNest Monster Zoo 594 The Cat who Walks through Dimensions 595 Codemonkey Challenge April 2010 596 (Nothing) 597 Rhoddhu Hunt 598 Golden Cabit Hunt 599 Explore The Locker! 600 Explore The Locker! 601 Explore The Locker! 602 The Bottom 603 Risen 604 Mystlyk Museum 605 Pet Insurrection 606 Mission: Improbable 607 Children of Ravenloss 608 Training Exhibition 609 Prison Revolt 610 Spy Saga: Beach War 611 Pac-toginal-tastic 612 Into the Void 613 No Gain Without Loss 614 Troglomite 615 Seeking Advice 616 Battle Arena I 617 Battle Arena II 618 Battle Arena III 619 Battle Arena IV 620 Battle Arena V 621 Primal Dragon Training 622 An Icy Wind 623 Nautiloid Hunt 624 (Nothing) 625 (Nothing) 626 (Nothing) 627 The Blue Mile 628 West Oaklore Path 629 East Oaklore Path 630 Face Your Destiny 631 The Ruins of Bask 632 Know Your Nature 633 Ocean Reef 634 A Bridge Forms 635 Moonridge 636 Friday the 13th - Moonridge Camp 637 Codemonkey Challenge July 2010 638 (Nothing) 639 (Nothing) 640 The Adventure of the Broken Tower 641 (Error Loading: Scene) 642 Free Fall 643 The Test 644 DragonFang Inn 645 Wait... 646 What.... 647 Moonridge Patrol 648 Invasive Species! 649 Zard Trap 650 The Yaw 651 Security Footage 652 Embrace Your Destiny 653 Willowshire 654 Willowshire Tower 655 Willowshire Burns! 656 Slay Gorgok! 657 Rolith's Question 658 Donovan 659 Alina's Answer 660 The Chase 661 Dark Tower Penitentiary 662 A Rock and A Dark Place 663 Betrayal 664 Your Secret Is Safe 665 Stronger Than You Know 666 Mogloween 10 667 Resident Sneevil: Outbreak 668 Tortiose and the Hare, Sort of (velocity) 669 Resident Sneevil: Genesis 670 Resident Sneevil: Parasol Chronicles 671 String Thing 672 Sneevil Resources 673 Box Flats 674 Box Lunches 675 Laboratories 676 Experiment Storage 677 Resident Sneevil: Zemesis 678 The Beehive 679 Resident Sneevil: Revelations 680 Greedling Games 681 CyseRedux 682 Your Vote 683 Resident Sneevil: CODE SALL-IE 684 Resident Sneevil: Uprising 685 Infected! 686 Snogger...? 687 MOP 688 Tricks and Treats 10 689 A Dark Letter 690 The Secret of the Thorn 691 Falconreach Idle 692 Feast of Welcomegiving! 693 Welcomegiving War Waves 694 JellaTON Mold 695 Falconreach Idle (Return to the show) 696 We now return to your show! 697 Scorpiarc Hunt 698 Obsidian Tog 699 The Temple of Gloom 700 Memory-Demons 701 What's Mine Is Mine 702 The Sewers 703 Plushies in the Snow 704 Frostval Fallout 705 Attacked! 706 Verteroche Crossing 707 North of Falconreach. 708 Guardian Tower Arena 709 The Factory 710 STRIKE! 711 Plushie War Waves 712 Frostval 10 War 713 Plushie Fury 714 CodeMonkey Challenge Dec 2010 715 Frostvale 2010 716 Draggin' in Dragesvard 717 Ninja Pizza Delivery 718 Altar Hill 719 The Map Room 720 At The Gate 721 Making Plans 722 Meeting Vaal 723 The End? 724 Ravenloss War Waves 2 725 Embodiment Catapult 726 Race to the Key Orb 727 Reanimated 728 Surewood Forest 729 Ravenloss War Waves 1 730 ChaosWeaver Catapult 731 Defend the ChaosWeavers 732 ChaosWeaver Champion 733 RavenLoss War Camp 734 Hero's Heart Day 735 Pinkonreach 736 Bid D.'s Missing! 737 Greatest Hug of All 738 Oaklore Catapult 739 Meet Aegies 740 Pellow Village 741 En Tropy 742 Lucky Day Storybook 743 Rainbow Bridge War Camp 744 Reforged 745 New Face of Entropy 746 Content Creation (Level Creator) 747 Content Creation (fail) 748 The Rainbow Shatters 749 Arrrgh(us)! 750 Player Quest 751 Escort From Verteroche 752 Dented Shield Inn 753 CMC-March 2011 754 Escort to Dragesvard 755 Dragon Trap! 756 Cluck Cluck MOOOOO! 757 Nature's Keeper (Fae) 758 Stoneheart Fall 759 Surehunter Woes 760 Earth and Entropy 761 Blade of Awe Dig 762 Hidden Blades: Underwater 763 Hidden Blades: Marsh 764 Hidden Blades: Volcano 765 Hidden Blades: Forest 766 Hidden Blades: Doomwood 767 Hidden Blades: Desert 768 Hidden Blades: Ruins 769 Hidden Blades: Cave 770 Willowshire 771 Hidden Blades: Snow 772 Hidden Blades 773 Entropic Earth Boss 774 Dragesvard Havoc 775 Sandsea Havoc 776 Sho'Nuff Havoc 777 Popsprocket Havoc 778 Falconreach Havoc 779 (NOTHING) 780 The Final 13th (2011) 781 Sepulchure Final Attack 782 The Final 13th Waves 783 The Flying Fortress 784 Beast of War 785 Sepulchure 786 Fires Over Falconreach 787 After the Ice Orb 788 Bombs Away! 789 Kordana Rises 790 Falconreach Mill 791 Dodging the Undead 792 Final 13th Waves - Creepy Crawlies 793 Dying Light 794 Sepulchure's Fortress 795 The Ultimate Orb 796 Blackwyn Tomb 797 Deeproot 798 The Necrotic Generals 799 The Dragon Drakath 800 An Unlikely Duo 801 The Key 802 Encroachment 803 Inroad 804 The Growing Darkness 805 Eclipse 806 Encampment 807 When 808 Full Darkness 809 Extreme Full Darkness 810 New Horizon 811 Ice Cave 812 Skweel 813 Chapter One Epilogue 814 Barrat 815 KhyRhian Outpost 816 Last Year 817 48 Weeks Later 818 M.O.P. Tent 819 Croft 820 Escape to Croft 821 Origins 822 Attack on Croft! 823 Trick or Treats 2011! 824 Attack on Croft! (Zardbie War 2011) 825 Defend Croft! (Zardbie War 2011) 826 Here Kitty, Kitty... (Zardbie War 2011) 827 ZardbiBubble 828 (Error Loading: Scene) 829 Sil Ruins 830 Old Scrolls 831 Swordhaven 832 Old Swordhaven 833 Sewers (from left) 834 Sewers (from right) 835 (Error Loading: Scene) 836 Sewers 837 The Biggest Thankstaking Ever! 838 Random Leftovers 839 A Whole Lotta Turducken 840 Thankstaking 2011 841 Test Quest for Eric 842 Swordhaven Forest 843 Swordhaven Marsh 844 Mutant Caves 845 (Nothing) 846 Reagent Race 847 The Wizards Apprentices 848 The Anomaly 849 Burnt House 850 Swordhaven Forest 851 Swordhaven Marsh 852 Mutant Caves 853 Frostvale Defense 854 Breaking In 855 Captain Rolith's Revenge 856 Frostval 2011 857 Auction House 858 Tower of Brightmist 859 Rift War! 860 Alien Attack! (Rift War) 861 Refugee Rescue (Rift War) 862 The General's Minions (Rift War) 863 Rifts Opening... 864 Fury Unleashed 865 The Puppet General (Rift War) 866 Into the Forest 867 Deeper Wood 868 Dark Forest 869 Forest Gate 870 Wild Wood 871 Forest Primeval 872 Hero's Heart Day '12 873 Threat List 874 The Boss Bear 875 Playing With Fire 876 Wolf and Bear 877 Quantum Tog 878 The Desert's Light 879 Fire Below 880 Desert Thugs 881 The Master Apprentice 882 The Golden Kiss 883 Gold War 2012 884 Betrayal 885 It's Not Easy Being Gold 886 Gold War 2012 (chapter) 887 Right in the Golden Kisser 888 Revenge 889 Cysero's Magic Garden 890 Bad Hare Day 891 Monster Pip 892 Rising Fire (War Camp) 893 Rising Fire Waves (Rising Fire War) 894 Xan Hates Imps (Rising Fire War) 895 Wargoth Approaches (Rising Fire War) 896 Rising Fire 897 The Hunt Begins 898 Appointment 899 North 900 Aika Village 901 Neverglades 902 Deep Neverglades 903 Deeper Neverglades 904 Deepest Neverglades 905 The Professor 906 Malichs Sorrow 907 Petty Squabbles 908 Braughlmurk Crypts 909 Braughlmurk Dungeon 910 Ship Graveyard 911 Braughlmurk Crypts 912 Haunted Forest 913 Brauglmurk Tower 914 Braughlmurk Sewers 915 MOP Clearance 916 Dreamscape 917 Nightmares 918 Red Riding Hood 919 Master of Puppets 920 Wrath of Wargoth (War Camp) 921 Wrath Waves (Wrath of Wargoth War) 922 Special Forces (Wrath of Wargoth War) 923 Wrath of Wargoth (Wrath of Wargoth War) 924 The Fight Begins! 925 The Spire 926 The Duel 927 Imaru's Treasure 928 Breaking Crystal 929 Forging 930 Disarray 931 The Maker 932 The Merge 933 Prologue 934 A Hero is Thawed 935 Oaklore Garrison 936 Bk3 Falconreach 937 Training Ground 938 A Hero is Thawed 939 West 3Oaklore Path 940 East 3Oaklore Path 941 South 3Falconreach 942 Dragon Hatching 943 Sunbreeze Grove 944 Ambush 945 Hydra Boss 946 Critter Cave 947 The Nix 948 Mr. Glaisarus 949 Megakyle 950 The Dread 951 Killer Dragonman 952 Popsmashed 953 (Error Loading: Scene) 954 (Error Loading: Scene) 955 Ebil War (War Camp) 956 Ebil Waves (Ebil War) 957 The Chairman (Ebil War) 958 Cure in Thyme 959 Cure in Thyme 2 960 Catalytic Converter 961 Trick or Treats 2012! 962 Catastrophic Candy 963 Croft 2012 964 Croftward Bound 965 Thankstaking Stories 966 Thankstaking 12 (War Camp) 967 No Gravy After Midnight 968 Rise of the Turducken (Turducken War) 969 Rotten Turducken (Turducken War) 970 Snacker (Turducken War) 971 Turkey Trap (Turducken War) 972 Good Gravy 973 Bk3 Surewood Forest 974 Manahunter Camp 975 Secret Waterfall Cave 976 Forest Cave 977 Monster Mill 978 Surewould 979 Bk3 Elemental Foothills 980 Flying Mogkees 981 SnackinLand 982 Finding the Red Brick Road 983 The Necromancer of SiOO 984 Pallors Plan 985 Winged Waves (Winged Darkness War) 986 Mogkee Waves (Winged Darkness War) 987 Deadwood (Winged Darkness War) 988 Wicked Queen (Winged Darkness War) 989 Winged Darkness (War Camp) 990 Frostvale 991 Waterfall Secret Cave 992 It's A Dirty Job... 993 Enchanted Grove 994 Floating Cave 995 Swordhaven Border 996 Greater Swordhaven 997 South Falconreach Walkaround 998 Tesla's Peak 999 Bk3 Swordhaven 1000 Milkgrass Arena 1001 Cosmos 1002 Mind Chamber 1003 Rosewood 1004 Rose Fort 1005 Rose Tree 1006 Rose Tree 1007 Rose Tree 1008 HHD Wrestling Challenge 1009 Undead Taker 1010 Undead Maker 1011 General Boneyard 1012 The HangMan 1013 Ninja Bridesmaids 1014 Ninja Best Man 1015 The Happy Couple 1016 Bachelor Party 1017 Sandsea Pyramid 1018 Pyramid Labyrinthe 1019 (Error Loading: Scene) 1020 Frozen North 1021 Betrubung Expedition 1022 Lava Tube 1023 SulenEska 1024 Border Dungeon 1025 (Error Loading: Scene) 1026 Betrubung Depths 1027 Lucky 13 1028 A Song on the Wind 1029 Swirl of Colour and Fragrance 1030 Dancing on the Breeze 1031 Life Finds A Way 1032 Sneegion 1033 Sneegion (Battle) 1034 Face of Death 1035 (Error Loading: Scene) 1036 Bk3 Sandsea 1037 Sandsea Surfing 1038 Treasure Hunter 1039 Desert Dangers 1040 Monstercize 1041 Zoo Breakout 1042 Sands of Eternity 1043 Smoke in the Trees 1044 Rescue of Elanee 1045 Facing Z 1046 (Error Loading: Scene) 1047 3Ravenloss 1048 Ravenloss Caves 1049 Ravenloss Streets 1050 Elemental Tarot 1051 Pellow Village 1052 Freedom Fighters 1053 Dragon Waves59 1054 Rose Waves 1055 A New Worry 1056 War of the Dragon Roses 1057 Rose War Intro 1058 War of the Dragon Roses 1059 Dragon Bombs 1060 Rose Bombs 1061 Dravir Trackers 1062 Rose Trackers 1063 Rose Trap 1064 Pyrrhic 1065 After the War 1066 The Weaponsmith's Apprentice 1067 To Edelia 1068 Soulless 1069 Edelia Sewers 1070 Servants Hall 1071 The Headmaster 1072 The Fairy Court 1073 The Shears 1074 Oculus Tower 1075 The Gnomes Gnow 1076 The 13th 13th (War Camp) 1077 13th Waves (The 13th 13th War) 1078 Fires Over Falconreach (The 13th 13th War) 1079 (Error Loading: Scene) 1080 The Deserted Fortress 1081 The Recluse Cave 1082 The Frozen Castle 1083 The Darkened Tomb 1084 The Lonely Tree 1085 The Sandy Ruins 1086 3OspreyCove 1087 The Autumn Wind 1088 Siege on Atrea 1089 Trithril 1090 B.F.C. 1091 Amityvale Attack 1092 Doomwood Attack 1093 Forest Attack 1094 Oaklore Ruins Attack 1095 Ravenloss Attack 1096 error 1097 Hearts and Hunting 13 1098 Forest Hunt 1099 Test-forest hunt 1100 Storming the Castle 1101 Symone DuBellmont 1102 The War Room 1103 Help Mritha 1104 Help Svera 1105 Help Niki 1106 Help Melissa 1107 The War Room 1108 Castle Valtrith 1109 Castle Valtrith 1110 Interview 1111 When? 1112 Food Fight! 1113 DeepVoid 1114 Frostval 13 waves 1115 error 1116 error 1117 The Summoning 1118 Frostvale 1119 Croft 1120 Zealot 1121 Frostval the 13th 1122 Moglinsters! 1123 The List 1124 Making Candy! 1125 Save the Moglins! 1126 The List Turn In 1127 Chilly and the Candy Factory 1128 The Navigator 1129 Oculus Shards 1130 Supervillain Showdown! 1131 Book3 Aeris 1132 The Human Element 1133 Search for Refugees 1134 Love Ship 1135 Dive In 1136 Mission Possible 1137 Pellow Village 1138 Void Ship 1139 error2 1140 error2 1141 Purple Day 1142 InspecZion 1143 Desolation Ruins 1144 Venom 1145 Crystoidator v.4 1146 Crypt Crawler 1147 On Broken Wings 1148 The Spam Fighters 1149 The Codex 1150 Tpyo Quest 1151 Into the Ynnungaap 1152 The Runed Fortress 1153 Adrift 1154 Fire Primal 1155 Water Primal 1156 Earth Primal 1157 Friday the 13th Full Moon 1158 Full Moon Waves 1159 Full Moon DA 1160 Howl at the Moon 1161 The Elite Patrol 1162 The Origins of Aspar 1163 Void War 1164 Void War Waves 1165 Void War Intro 1166 Void Catapult 1167 Through the Door 1168 Halfway Through 1169 First Seal 1170 Second Seal 1171 Illusion 1172 Murky Hall 1173 CulinExtraordinary 1174 error 1175 The Last Chapter: Aspar 1176 The Last Chapter: Tomix 1177 Tomix's Saga Epilogue 1178 Trithril for Yashta 1179 Some Nothing 1180 Clearing the caves 1181 Ravenloss 1182 The Other Well 1183 Swamp Lake 1184 3Amityvale 1185 Prison Brawl 1186 Prologue - Longing 1187 A Proper Quest! 1188 The Race for More Booty 1189 Booty for Mazurek 1190 Booty for Rhubarb 1191 The Quest for More Booty 1192 Mazurek Booty 1193 Rhubarb Booty 1194 Shear Destruction 1195 Rhubarb Victorious 1196 Neron's Request 1197 Blood Patrol: Vampires 1198 Blood Patrol: Werewolves 1199 The Evil Artifact 1200 The Locket 1201 The Perfect Year 1202 Creepy girls are made of candy 1203 Croft 2014 1204 Trick or Treats 2014! 1205 Impersonator----- 500k gold, 500k xp max reward!!! 1206 The Dark Tower 1207 Thankstaken 1208 Saving Private Practice 1209 Pirates Advance! 1210 Ninjas Advance! 1211 The War for Secrets 1212 Captains Log: Secret Scrolls 1213 The Cave of Wonderous Secrets! 1214 Bitten 1215 A Tale of Two Timelines 1216 Snowy Forest 1217 Xan 1218 Zorbak 1219 Sepulchure 1220 Dueling Timelines 1221 Frostvale 14 1222 Ultra Meltface Merged Akriloth 1223 Fireworks! 1224 Dragonrider Waves 1225 The Hatchery 1226 Saellah 1227 DragonRider War 1228 DragonRider War Intro 1229 DragonRider Catapult 1230 Supply Grab (DragonRider War) 1231 The Castle in the Woods 1232 Hide n' Seek 1233 Vaaloirr 1234 Friday 13th War Wave 1235 Friday the 13th Catapult 1236 Something Wicked 1237 F13 intro quest 1238 One is a Lonely Number 1239 Some Sandsea Litter 1240 Fishy Fin Filets 1241 A Ball of Something String-like 1242 A Scratching Post 1243 Kitty Nip 1244 A Big Day For Bubble 1245 Bubble List 1246 Hero's Heart Day (2K15) 1247 Friday the 13th Again! (2K15) 1248 Homecoming Hurts 1249 Missed Raven 1250 An Uncertain Future 1251-1252-1253 Advance on the Castle! 1254 Catapult 1255 Catapult Rush! (some small bosses apear....meh) 1256 Bombing Run! 1257 Supply Grab 1258 Caitiff 1259 Serenity Gone 1260 Assault on Castle Valtrith 1261 Ultra Meltface Merged Akriloth Challenge 1262 The Challenge of Moocluckles 1263 Fishin Impossible 1264 Mootopolis 1265 The Lost Egg of Orion 1266 Bloodwork 1267 The Third Floor 1268 Inner unSelf 1269 Crust of the Walking Bread 1270 Yulgar's First Date 1271 Yulgar's First Date Part 2 1272 The Drowned Fortress 1273 Escape from Espina Rosa 1274 Castle Crashers 1275 The Valtrith Tomb 1276 The Feast 1277 The Cave of the Dragon 1278 Gremoglims 1279 The Great Petscape 1280-1281 Dracolich Fishing 1282 Blood Feud 1283 Starcrossed - The Thorns of the Rose 1284 Castle Nostromo 1285 Food for Thought 1286 Soul Scrying 1287 Dracolich Fishing (again....) 1288 Potion Help (reagents for the potion....ya know) 1289 Proof of Innocence 1290 The Dola 1291 Father of Mine 1292 Bk3 Swordhaven 1293 The Rude Sandstorm 1294 Trembles 1295 Plumbing Problems 1296 Fight for Late Night 1297 Party Like A Pirate 1298 A Pirate's Revenge 1299 TLAPD Hub 15 1300 Corundum Corruption 1301 From The Citadel with Love 1302 Blood and Roses 1303 Ruin of Darkness 1304 Bubble Returns 1305 Pure Ice Crystals 1306 A Bassault Core 1307 Some Sunspike Claws 1308 A Prime Light Elemental Gem 1309 The Cleansing Of Myx 1310 Mogloween15 Bubble List 1311 Restore the Girls 1312 Restore M.O.P. 1313 The Great Guber 1314 Croft2015 1315 Trick or Treats 2015! 1316 Ration Runner 1317 Nightfall 1318 Dark Night Waves 1319 Dark Night Supplies 1320 Dark Night Bombing 1321 Dark Night War 1322 Dark Night Catapult 1323 Special Delivery 1324 Given to Darkness 1325 Food Fight Challenge 1326 GRAVENATOR 1327 Breaking Down 1328 Hero Town 1329 Edamlet 1330 Twigmas Town 1331 Twigsmas Waves 1332 Twigmas Bombs 1333 Jwealouswy 1334 Frostval 15 1335 FwendQuest 1336 Life's A Beach (OMG !!! rude) 1337 Oaklore Forest 1338 BioBeasts Escape! 1339 Marzanna 1340 Trouble in Paradise 1341 Letter Collection 1342 The Culprit 1343 Hero's Heart Day (2K16) 1344 Unbound 1345 Shattered 1346 Ashes 1347 The Beginning of the End 1348 New Dimension (||_-\|-//\||---__\_\|/_- /\||---__\|-//|_-\|-) 1349 Soul Forge 1350 nothing----I guest 1351 Searching for Spirits II 1352 Searching for Spirits I 1353 The Beast 1354 The End of the Beginning 1355 Temple of the E-Damed 1356 Madness 1357 Friday the 13th: Weal 1358 Defending Against the Darkness 1359 F13 Waves 1360 Hero Waves 1361 Catapult Defense 1362 Chasm 1363 Corruption 1364 Doomed 1365 Peril 1366 Just Chillin' 1367 Old Friends 1368 The Gouda-Grotto 1369 Flight from Sho'Nuff 1370 HeroMart (waht a quest tho.....) 1371 Bunny Garden 1372 The Fallen One 1373 Icy Beginnings 1374 Timelines 1375 Tournament of Champions 1376 Tournament of Champions Part 2 1377 Dark Devices 1378 One Pala-day At a Time 1379 Precious "Cargo" 1380 Back to the Mainland 1381 TLaPD16 1382 Cold Truth 1383 A Lincoln Log to the past 1384 Missed Croft? 1385 The Plaguenog 1386 Apsaydaaun 1387 The Foulest 1388 AbracaDabra 1389 Trick or Treat 2016! 1390 Croft 2016 1391 Can We Yix Him? 1392 The Great Moglinberry Caper 1393 What's That Whistling Noise? 1394 Sibling Rivalry 1395 One Step Ahead 1396 Darkness is Coming 1397 The Mage Tower 1398 The Nec-snow-mancer 1399 Snowfang the Dragon 1400 What REALLY Happened 1401 Black Winter Wave 1402 It Begins... 1403 Black Winter Supplies 1404 Cata... Tank! (black winter) 1405 Friday the 13th Interlude 1406 Falconreach Burns 1407 Doom Amulet 1408 Friday the 13th: Black Winter 1409 To the Skies! (black winter) 1410 The Mirage 1411 Doomed Wave (black winter) 1412 TEST QUEST......dafuq 1413 Calamity 1414 Epilogue 1415 The Spear of Lumina Shop IDs 1 Yulgar's Shop 2 The Inn Shop 3 Cysero's Shop 4 Undead Slayer Store 5 Gargok's Horde Shop 6 Tower Spirit Shop 7 Walric's Shop 8 PvP Shop 9 Grams Pet Shop 10 Artix Shop (EMPTY) 11 Doom Shop 12 Warrior Shop 13 Mages Shop 14 Rouge Shop 15 Sir Jing's Shop 16 Pumpkin Shop 17 Lugosi's Shop 18 Ironwood Box 19 Ptolemy Purchase 20 Ice Dragon War Shop (EMPTY) 21 Frostval War Shop 22 Moglin Gift 23 Moglin Gift 24 Yeti Helms 25 Chaney's Things 26 Vampire Shop 27 Eye War Shop 28 Fire Chest 29 Xan Reward Shop 30 Chickencow Shop (EMPTY) 31 PvP Novice 32 PvP Scrapper 33 PvP Brawler 34 PvP Pit Fighter 35 PvP Arena Fighter 36 PvP Grand Master (EMPTY) 37 Celestia's Shop 38 Punt Twilly 39 Meringue's Shop 40 Piratical Pets 41 Vend-tron 3000 42 Rare Pets 43 Helms and Capes 44 Cysero's Weapons 45 War Memorial 46 DragonLord Shop 47 Jubei's Shop 48 Ayane's Masks 49 Snake Ear's Pets 50 Pumpkin Chest 51 Resource Shop 52 MMM...DA Turkey (EMPTY) 53 Ze Reagentz Zhop! (EMPTY) 54 Vend-Tron 3000 55 DragonLord Shop 56 DragonLord Staves 57 DragonLord Daggers 58 Gift Boxes 59 Moglin Gift 60 Out in the Cold War Shop 61 Xanta's Chest 62 Reen's Rings 63 Black Market 64 Gold Fever War 65 Holiday Shop! 66 April Shop 67 Bork's Blades 68 Suneater's Helms 69 Amulet Weapon Shop 70 Greg Shop 71 One Rose 72 Two Roses 73 Three Roses 74 Four Roses 75 Tog Supplies 76 Lucky Stash 77 Mogloween Mask Shop 78 Hedgemaze Shop 79 Lumps of Coal Shop 80 5 Gold Rings 81 New Year's Rares 82 PVP Savant 83 PVP Professional 84 PVP Contender 85 PVP Elite 86 PVP Grand Master 87 Bandit Loot 88 Elemental War Shop 89 Daddy's DC Shop 90 Hydra Souvenirs 91 Gnix Weapons 92 Steamtank Shop 93 Farm Souvenirs 94 Akira Shop 95 undefined 96 Father's Day Shop 97 The Stone 98 Fishing 99 Motley 2010 Shop 100 SandSea Helms 101 Bacon Shop! 102 Bakery 103 Rummage Pet 104 Fourth of July Weapons 105 Dragon's Chest (Frozen Claymores) 106 Doom Helms 107 Birthday Shop 108 Talk like a Pirate Day 109 Lim's Shop 110 Trinki's Wings 111 Undefined 112 Trinki's Rings 113 Bubble's Helm 114 Toil's Helm 115 Trouble's Helm 116 Cysero's Mask shop 117 Franken 30 118 Lim's DC Shop 119 Battleon Weapons 120 Battleon Destroyed 121 Amityvale Weapons 122 Amityvale Destroyed 123 Clashening DC Shop 124 Shadow Armor Token 125 Bluestar Weaponry 126 TLAPD Wep Shop 127 Frostval 2009 Presents 128 War Memorial Shop 129 Destiny Shop 130 Fourth Of July Items 131 Edy's Shinies 132 Two-Eyed Jack's Weapons 133 Thatch's Pets 134 Gem Shop 135 Player Suggestion Shop 136 Alina's Helm Shop 137 Mighty 100k 138 Father's Day 2010 139 New Dawn (EMPTY) 140 Zoo Shop 141 Roktoro Gem Shop 142 Char's Chest 143 World Cup 2010 Shop 144 Liberty Rares Shop! 145 Ellial's Weapon Shop 146 Ellial's Card Shop 147 DragonLord Weapons 148 Tournament Shop 149 Liberty Days Shop 150 Bask Chest 151 Moonridge Emporium 152 Moonridge Armory 153 Phil's Funkies 154 Moonridge Knights 155 ZardSlayer Shop 156 Willowshire Alley 157 Jibbley's Junk 158 Clashening Vote 159 Mogloween 2010 160 Infected Defeated! 161 Harvest Reaper 30 162 Black Marker Shop 163 Black Friday Market 164 Half-Off Shop! 165 Locked Chest 166 Day of the Ninja Pets 167 Day of the Ninja Weapons 168 Lauren's Clothing Shop 169 Marlon's Book 170 2010 Frostval Presents 171 Tomix's Birthday Shop 172 Best of 2010 shop 173 DC Rings 174 Cloud Key 175 Flax Key 176 Ember Key 177 Shell Key 178 Bolt Key 179 Icicle Key 180 Aurora Key 181 Void Key 182 Snowpacolypse Day 183 RavenLoss War Chest 184 Dragon Dance Mask Shop 185 SuperBowl Shop 186 BabyWeaver Pet Shop 187 2011 HHD Shop 188 Sir Plus Capes & Wings 189 Sir Plus Rings & Necklace 190 Murk's Pellow Merch (EMPTY) 191 Greedling Shop 192 Flutterfly-dragon Wings 193 Lucky Day 2011 194 Somnus Shop 195 Sneevrick's Shop 196 Maeve's Shop 197 Maeve's Wings 198 DerpFish 199 Thing I See... 200 Lamp! 201 Red Wind Weapons 202 Eternal Spring 203 Coffee Addict 204 Double Rainbow! 205 Zurvana Set 206 Blue Box 207 Mindtwist 208 Happy 2011 April Fools! 209 Coofffeeeeee 210 Earth Day 2011 211 Grenwog DC Shop 212 Grenwog Gold Shop 213 Willowshire Thanks 214 Royal Wedding 215 Fortuna Thanks 216 LQS (Sundering Emerald) 217 Mother's Day 2011 218 Special Essences 219 Obsidian Dragon Shop 220 The Lady 221 Akriloth's Bane 222 Skull Crusher 223 Gem Shop 224 Asandar's Gift 225 Spineripper 226 Liberty 2011 Shop 227 Weapons Cache 228 Sidhe Wings 229 TLaPD Old 230 Sil Ruins (Ancient Music Box) 231 Sil Ruins (Broken Hilt) 232 Sil Ruins (Broken Blade) 233 Sil Ruins (Scepter of the Emporer) 234 Zardbified 235 Sil Ruins (Ring of the Emperor) 236 Sewer Chest (Poison) 237 Sewer Chest (Wood) 238 Sewer Chest (Ring) 239 Black Friday Shop 240 Half-Off Shop 241 Sewer Pets 242 Mux's Shop 243 Swordhaven Jewelry 244 Swordhaven Clothing 245 2011 Presents 246 Glaive of the Orb 247 Starlight Weapons 248 Silly Hats 249 Brightmist Reward Shop 250 Infernal Army Cache 251 Year of the Dragon 252 Imps 253 Ex Calibur 254 Luck O' the Sneevish 255 Rainbow Saber 256 Weaver Items 257 Chairman 258 Pips 259 Imp Hats 260 DragonKnight Relics 261 Mother's Day 2012 262 Hut Junk 263 Witz's Store (EMPTY) 264 Robins Shop 265 Malichs 266 Rose Shop 267 Reni DC 268 Justicar Shop 269 Liberty 2012 270 Fire Soul 271 2012 Lorelympics 272 War Challenge 273 Rose Weapons 274 Back to School Shop 275 TLaPD Items 276 TLaPD DC 277 Half Gear Shop 278 Manawood 279 10th Anniversary 280 undefined 281 Alina and Rolith Wedding 282 MOP 10 283 Black Friday 12 284 Twig's Shop 285 Black Friday DC 286 Half Off Shop 287 Mill Drops 288 SnackinLand Drops 289 Dracelix Birthday 290 Red Brick Drops 291 CC Lions 292 DC CC Lions 293 2012 Gifts 294 Nick's Cloak DC 295 Pallor's Helm 296 Boss Drops 297 Mogkee Shop 298 Sielu's DC Shop 299 Sielu's DC Helms 300 Rosewood Chest 301 Rosewood Weapons 302 Rosewood DC Weapons 303 RoseTree Shop 304 Carnaval Shop 305 RoseFort Gold 306 RoseFort DC 307 HHD13 Gold 308 HHD13 DC 309 VP Gold 310 VP DC 311 UWE Ring 312 Ahmet Ptah DC 313 Ahmet Ptah 314 SulenEska 315 Lucky 13 Treasures 316 Lucky 13 Gold 317 Lucky 13 DC 318 Vind Mission Capes 319 Cursed Shop 320 Grenwog 13 321 Sneegion 322 Sandsea Trinkets 323 Masub Helms 324 Kamilah 325 Nailah Gold 326 Nailah DC 327 Masub DC 328 Zoo 329 Earth Day '13 330 Sek Duat Quest 331 Sek Duat DC Loot 332 Cinco de Mayo Gold 333 Cinco de Mayo DC 334 Smoke DC Drop Shop 335 Mother's Day 2013 336 Rescue DC Shop 337 Zadd Drops DC 338 Ultimate 339 Soulsmith Shop 340 Card Shoppe 341 Card Shoppe DC 342 Gambler Wings 343 Floating Card 344 Floating Cards 345 Joker 346 Titfer 347 Poker Cap 348 Freedom DC 349 Magister Shop 350 Patriot 2013 351 Rose Dragon Boss Drop 352 Dragon Challenge Shop 353 Dragon Challenge Shop DC 354 After War DC 355 Cronix BD Gold 356 Cronix BD DC 357 Edelia Drop DC 358 Splashy Shell 359 Fish Cape 360 Stonefish Cape 361 Rebel Shop 362 Saellah Cape 363 Mana Weapons DC 364 SteamGear DC 365 Cultist Hood 366 TLaPD Bandanas 367 TLaPD DC Bandanas 368 Sand Wrap Drop Shop 369 Atrea Dream DC Drop 370 Atrea Dream Wing and Helm 371 Wings DC Shop 372 Battle Wings DC 373 Loli Scythes 374 Mogloween 2013 Gold 375 Mogloween 2013 DC 376 Moglo 13 Base 377 Cheese Shop 378 Comedy Shop 379 Tragedy Shop 380 Neutral Shop 381 Comedy DC 382 Tragedy DC 383 Neutral DC 384 Black Friday 2013 385 Thankstaking 13 DC 386 Half-Off 2013 387 Deep Void Drop Shop 388 Deep Void DC 389 Atrix Wedding Shop 390 Frostval 13 DC 391 Frosty the Snowghoul 392 Cider Loot Shop 393 Void Cider Shop 394 Cider Weapons 395 New Year 2014 396 Lovely Book 397 Lovely Time Shop 398 Rip Tide Shop 399 Glow Tree 400 Lucky Purple 401 Luckrist 402 Greenwog 14 403 Runed Fortress 404 DF Birthday 405 Obsidian Dragon 406 Full Moon 407 Patriotic 2014 408 Necromancer Items 409 ChronoBirthday 410 TimeCoreEdge 411 Pandora 412 Bloodflower's Assortment 413 Technomancer Items 414 Booty Challenge Rares 415 Zeclem's Items 416 Paladin Items 417 Rhubarb's Loot 418 Rhubarb DC Loot 419 Mogloween Capes 420 2014 Black Friday 421 Ninja Vs Pirate War 422 2014 Presents 423 Ash's Birthday 424 New Year Eve 2015 425 Frost Moglin Defender 426 Frost Moglin Slayer 427 Ninja Items 428 Unlucky Twilight Weapons 429 Ex's Calibur 15 430 Verlyrus' Birthday 431 Unlucky 13th Weapons 432 Ascendant CC DC 433 Ascendant CC 434 Grenwog 2015 435 Pirate Items 436 Thooth Fragment 437 Unchained 438 Earth Day 15 439 The Energy Blade 440 DC Energy Blade 441 Asteraceae Shop 442 Guardian Items 443 Drowned Dungeon 444 Drowned Castle 445 Crashed Dungeon (EMPTY) 446 Crashed Castle (EMPTY) 447 Silver Arrow Drops 448 Tomb Drops 449 Ornate Guardian Blade 450 Replica Weapons 451 Blood Feud Drops 452 Sovereign Wings 453 Warlic's Replica Staff 454 Doom Blade Replica 455 Judgement Wheel Replica 456 DC Replicas 457 Voidhugger DC 458 Star Captain Belts 459 Star Captain DC Belts 460 Late Night Drops 461 Geo's Birthday 462 Ranger Cache 463 Basic Crawler 464 Advanced Crawler 465 Expert Crawler 466 Un-Possible Crawler 467 Vizalain's Gratitude 468 Emerald Purity 469 Emerald Purity DC Shop 470 Blood and Roses 471 Dimensional Rift 472 Old Spoons 473 Fishcaliber 474 Overgourd Helms 475 Bone Shard 476 Clan Valtrith Mask 477 Black Friday 478 Half Off 479 Dragon Wings 480 10th Anniversary 481 Anniversary DC 482 HeroTown Store 483 2015 Presents! 484 Ancient Weapons 485 New Year's 2016 486 MonkaKazi 487 Fat Werepups 488 Big Game Helms 489 Lunar New Year 490 Kickstarter Reward Shop 491 Rose Defender 492 Hero Defender 493 Shattered DC 494 Hope 495 Helm of Everluck 496 Helm of EverluCk 497 Lucky Hammer 498 Ashes DC 499 Amity 500 Dimensional Transphaser 501 Spirit Cast 502 Madness Shop 503 Vivify 504 Dragon Scythes 505 Doomed Dragon 506 Icy Beginnings 507 Timelines Loot for DCs 508 Tournament! 509 Tournament Part 2! 510 Dark Devices Loot 511 Paladay Loot 512 TLaPD 2016 Loot 513 TLaPD 2016 DC Exclusives 514 Cold Truths Loot 515 Dragon Clan DC 516 Plaguenog Loot for DCs 517 Plaguenog Loot for Gold 518 Apsaydaaun Loot for DCs 519 Foulest Loot for DCs 520 AbracaDabra Loot for DCs 521 Pumpcake Scepters 522 Supersized Cookies! 523 Insane Pumpkin Stack! 524 nop 525 nop again 526 noooop 527 Can We Yix Loot for DCs 528 NOP 529 Moglinberry Loot for DCs 530 NOP agaaaiiinnn 531 Whistling Loot for DCs 532 Thankstaking Loot for DCs 533 Black Friday 2016 534 Doom Desert Loot for DCs 535 The First Present! 536 Nec-snow-mancer DC Loot! 537 Snowfang DC Loot! 538 The Second Present! 539 Frostval 2016 DC Loot! 540 The Doomed Dragon Loot 541 Serenity's Grace 542 HHD17 Weapons! 543 HHD17 DC Items! 544 Mooncalled Loot for DCs 545 The Spear of Lumina