Sold Selling NA - 57 Witch 187/181/240 (Hybrid Tank)

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Carwyn, 3/1/17.

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  1. Carwyn

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    Level 57 Witch:
    187 AP/181 Awakened AP/234 DP (+30 hidden AP)
    272 energy/204 contribution
    All pre-Valencia skill point quests are completed.

    263 million liquid silver
    2.15 billion total marketplace asset value
    107 memory fragments, black spirit crystal, and a spare +10% combat experience crystal
    Storage pictures

    Tri: Liverto staff with two +5 AP crystals
    Tri: Ultimate alloria aad sphera
    Tri: Ultimate steel dagger
    Duo: Full ultimate grunil set
    Duo: Extra ultimate grunil helmet for leveling with two 10% combat exp crystals
    Duo: Ancient Guardian's Seal
    Duo: Ancient Weapon Core
    2x Tri: Red coral ring
    Duo: Blue coral earring
    Pri: Blue whale molar earring
    Sturdy alchemy stone of destruction
    Ogre ring
    Equipment picture

    38 workers:
    10 skilled (most have 2+ promotions available)
    18 professional
    10 artisan
    20 most profitable nodes in the game being worked.

    Life skills:
    Breath: 29
    Strength: 22
    Health: 25
    Gathering: Artisan 2
    Processing: Artisan 5
    Cooking: Professional 9
    Alchemy: Professional 4
    +2 gatherer's clothes, processing clothes, alchemist's clothes, cooking clothes, and trading clothes.
    Character sheet

    8 pieces of Jarette's accesory set for potential boss alts
    +3 luck from titles
    x3 [Event] Sealed book of combat (7d)
    12 +50% combat exp scrolls
    T6 horse with drift, instant accel, and a +10 light iron horseshoe.
    Level 13 Maehwa alt with negative karma to downgrade reblath armor for fail stack accumulation. +14 reblath shoes and +14 reblath gloves.

    3 pets: Level 10 skyhawk, level 10 penguin, and a level 9 snowkid.
    Zebra underwear
    Labreve weapon and armor costume set (awakened premium costume)
    4200 loyalties
    Character screenshots

    This account is set up to generate massive amounts of passive income. Purchase includes a detailed guide for how to earn silver and manage workers, materials, and crafting. The guide also includes a bunch of helpful links to locate nodes, gather items, manage houses, a failstack chart, etc.. I will always be available in the future to answer any questions that you may have.

    Asking price: $560
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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