Selling Personal 12 years Battle net account

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Anduril, 3/1/17.

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  1. Anduril

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    Hello everyone I`m selling my personal 12 years battle net account. Got all games in this account including all DLC`s for each of the game. First of all wanted to say I was enjoying so far all those games so I recommend them but unfortunatelly I really in need for some money atm because of some medical treatment. So I decided to sell my account. Through those years the money spend for this account was far more then 1500$ including effort I have spend for all kind of achievements and seasonal events so I guess its pretty descent price to pay for this kind of rich battle net account. Lets go through what I can offer you:

    World of Warcraft:
    Though 12 years of Playing WoW a lot of things I got cos my first road with Blizzard started with World of Warcraft Vanilla playing. Got a lot of Feast of Strenght achievements, also about 200 mounts(aspecially epic ones like Amani Bear, ZulGurub Raptor etc etc) a lot of pets and 13k points of achievement. Got over 200k gold and also a lot of tradable stuffs.
    I got 2 World of Warcraft accounts one is upgraded to Legion and another is Dreanor. Botch accounts has 100 lvl character boost,
    My main Androck Death Knight. You can check information bellow
    It has pretty high item level atm and 50 traits in Unholy and other specs about 35 traits each. You can check information about mounts, pets, achievements, proffesion etc etc.
    Also Got Alt Anduril Paladinûrîl/simple
    Aslo there is a lot of other characters like Priest Shammy their lvl about 90-100.

    Diablo 3
    Got all DLC`s all characters 70 lvl + 1000+ paragons, all characters has 4 set of each and speciall legendarys. Got a lot of pets gold stones etc etc and 3 type of wings as well played though each season so there is also a lot of icons and other stuffs.

    Starcraft 2
    Got all expentions including Nova missions my Co Op commanders are up to 15 lvl with 55+ points of upgrade but nova didnt purchase her yet. All of the acviements done for Co Op missions and half of for the normal games.

    Got about 35+ Legendarys with a lot of gold cards also got all DLC`s got 1000 gold atm so this account is pretty much ready for new expention. Playing Paladin in new mets pretty fun.

    Heroes of the Storm.
    Got about 27+ mounts and special icons from each seasonal event. a lot of master skins 10 heroes over 10 lvl and 20+ bout 9 lvl got almost all heroes and some skins as well. been playing HotS since Alpha so it really boosted and good account.

    Got Original Edition, got legendary skins for each of the heroes some even has 2-3+ 200 points left for Golden Weapon so you can choise your own Golden Weapon character also Account 120 lvl atm got platinium last season will be easier to get rank as well.

    Thats all pretty much though I`m sure I forget a lot of things cos though all my 12 years of gaming this account got a lot of good stuffs and about bonuses first of all I have some money on battle net account nor much but enough for couple of skins or pets or mounts. Also its Russian Account so all prices will be halfed in any shop section be it new game or WoW subscribe ( for Example I pay only 5$ for WoW each month for subscribe same goes for pets mounts etc etc) 4 years in a row got blizcon tickets so it has some special things for each game as well. If you want I can show you some each game though the twich got channel there here is the channel. If you got any question you can ask me anytime.

    P.S. Sorry for my bad English not native English speaker and thanks for your time have a nice day.
    For more information contact me [email protected]
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