Overwatch + Hearthstone account

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by 21mika12, 3/1/17.

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  1. 21mika12

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    So basically i just want to sell my battle.net account with Overwatch: Origins Edition and Hearthstone.

    SCREENS: http://imgur.com/a/pciNJ


    This was my favourite game, but i have no time for it right now.
    There is 31 lvl, and 4 legendary skins, if i don't count the Origins Edition ones.
    Those skins are:

    - Lunar Mei

    - ******** McCree

    - Night Ops: 76

    - Plague Doctor Reaper

    There is also around 700 coins.
    I have only screenshot of my account, because i am unable to play it right now. My friend was getting that screenshot.


    Here i've been putting money. I put here 70€, paid it for:

    - One night in Karazhan adventure

    - Welcome bundle

    - +-40 packs (+ 10 from Welcome bundle)

    The legendaries, I own:

    - Ragnaros the Firelord

    - Ysera

    - Gruul

    - Grommash Hellscream

    - The Beast

    - Sylvanas Windhunter

    - Barnes

    - Prince Malchezaar

    - Medivh, the Guardian

    Price of the account:

    - Overwatch: Origins Edition - 59.99 € on Battle.net

    - Hearthstone - 70 € in total, what i put in

    - Sale - 70€ (or more, if we talk to each other)

    - TOTAL: 60€ (or less, if we talk to each other)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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