[Release] [AyyWare] Aurora Legit Hacks

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by TJ1312, 3/1/17.

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  1. TJ1312

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    Lil bit rushed, that being said there are some errors: (lol who am i kidding every ayyware is rushed)
    SkinChanger makes your game die(crash)

    the X axis of AA doesn't work, but it's a legit # so I don't think you should worry.

    REMEMBER! This is AyyWare, so it's most likely detected. Use it on a banned account "Why should we legit # if we're not banned!?" VAC insecure competitive servers, that's why.

    playerup DLL
    Wait for the menu to say injected
    Press insert (ins)
    Hide your love you and make a good legit setting

    Menus work fine:)! Screenshots:

    Virustotal, I wouldn't put a nasty virus on your PC!:

    "nice pasta noob go codu u own hxa" yes my friend
    Downloadable Files
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