Sold Selling Asuna & silica os + weapon

Discussion in 'Sword Art Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shiiro_, 2/28/17.

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  1. Shiiro_

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    Hello everyone!I'm selling two accounts.One with Asuna OS + her sword with only half a normal story completed.The difficult is all to do. And also new quests extra.And another account with Silica os, sinon os and yuuki both with their own weapons. Also Silica Sao Kirito Skill and connect.

    Hello everyone!
    Im Selling two accounts.
    One has Asuna OS + her weapon.
    Only normal story completed.
    Hard mode and extra all to do.


    The other one has Silica OS, Sinon OS and Yuuki with their own weapon.
    Silica sao and kirito skill connect too.
    This one is and Endgame, exceot for the new events and the new quest that came out 2-3 days ago.


    Only verified paypal
    PM me, or make an offer
    I can give screenshoot on request
    ello everyone!I'm selling two accounts.One with Asuna OS + his sword with only half a normal story completed.The difficult is all to do. And also new quests extra.And another account with Silica os, sinon os and yuuki both with their own weapons.He also Silica Sao Kirito Skill and connect.Hello everyone!I'm selling two accounts.One with Asuna OS + his sword with only half a normal story completed.The difficult is all to do. And also new quests extra.And another account with Silica os, sinon os and yuuki both with their own weapons.He also Silica Sao Kirito Skill and connect.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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