Selling Selling Rnk 30, All cards of first 3 booster packs released,2 or more of each UR,6k gm

Discussion in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! Yugioh Duel Links Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ALEX PR, 2/28/17.

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  1. ALEX PR

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    Stage 30 account. Contains all cards from first 3 booster packs: Ultimate Rising, Neo-Impact- and Age of discovery. Contains at least 2 of each UR as seen in pics. Has none of the cards from packs Tyrant Dragon and Valkyrie however account has 6k gems to spend so you could get most cards. Has atleast 3 of many great UR like Mirror Wall, Sphere of Korib, Hane-Hane, BEUD, Kaiser etc. There is 3 or more cards of all cards in Neo Impact booster pack. All duelist except Odion (activation of 56 trap cards to unlock), and Mako Tsunami (11 tribute summons left)

    The rest are unlocked and their levels are as follows:
    Kaiba lv.30
    Bandit Keith lv.15
    Tea lv.14
    Joey lv.6
    (Rest lv.1, includes Pegasus)

    Has over 200 of each key except white gate key which only has 5.
    Please pm me for more info/offers. You can contact me through my line id: alex_ace
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  2. Choa Jia Rong

    Choa Jia Rong
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    price ?
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