Sold Selling Second Life FreshStart

Discussion in 'Second Life Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Satokomi, 2/26/17.

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  1. Satokomi

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    Good Day to whom this may concern,

    The name is Keemo, today I'd like to talk about my account on Second Life, llAcidicll. I've had it for quite some time and boy has it been fun, but I believe it is time for us to part ways. I've spent over hundreds of dollars on this account, to the point that I have 3 complete mesh bodies as well as 3 complete bento heads: Catwa, Damon, & Akeruka.

    Reason i'm getting rid of the account is because Second Life is getting a bit boring lately and I'd like to have a fresh start, meet some new people and keep SL more SL instead of being so Real Life with my current account.

    The inventory is mostly sorted, Lots of furniture/objects/ clothing to choose from ranging from body accessories to full on mesh and omega pieces, the account is male with various shapes. I can also tweak and change the character upon request before handing it over completely to whoever wants to buy it.

    I've spent hundreds of dollars for this account, however I am only asking 50$ mainly because this avatar already comes with Aesthetic, TMP, and signature mesh body, as well as catwa, akeruka, & damon bento mesh heads, plus the clothes and sorted inventory that i've tested and mixed and matched with the avatar. There are many landmarks already saved here to stores and events like uber, kustom9, TMD. All you have to do is login, change the password, and the email set it to yours and the account will be 100% yours.

    50$ is MORE THAN FAIR(will also accept 10,000-12,500 L sent to my new account AfterTwelve), and will be enough money to completely make a brand new avatar on my other account now that I know moreso what i'm doing, since i joined sl two years ago.

    SideNote: It contains Genitals from Aeros Latest... Man Tool -cough- for the people who are 18+

    I've already deleted all the friends I've had and credit card information and so forth.

    Most furniture has adult poses.

    i dont mind using Middleman but idk what that is so i'll read up more on it. I want to sell the account through paypal. Just easier that way.

    I'll take a few pictures and show them now as well as some of the furniture that come with it:

    proof of bento:
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