[Discussion] CSGO Vac Ban Removal

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Styxlaws, 2/25/17.

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  1. Styxlaws

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    Around a month or so ago I was VAC Banned, and like most people who tried it on their main I now search the interwebs for hope that one day I might find someone who could help me (im willing to pay).

    I've already tried submitting a ticket and feeding steam support lies. It's the only way I know of of getting Valve to remove it but are there any other methods? I'm quite desperate (but not desperate enough to be stupid, so love you off scammers) so any suggestions are appreciated and if any work I'll make sure to reward you. Also if you happen to be skilled with exploiting systems and/or # I'm willing to pay a decent fee for your service.

    - VACBanDude69 bobo
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